Hicks Law Representation

Mastering Simplicity: How Hick’s Law Can Transform Your UX Design

Muhammad Abu Huraira
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2024


Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with too many choices? 🌀

As a UX designer, I constantly think about how to make users’ lives easier. That’s where Hick’s Law comes into play.

Hick’s Law states that the time it takes to make a decision increases with the number of choices presented.

Think about it: the more options we have, the longer we take to decide. It’s like staring at a menu with endless options and struggling to pick just one dish.

A great example of Hick’s Law in action is Google.

Google Home Page (1998–2019)

Remember Google’s homepage back in 1998?

It had a lot going on. Today, it’s clean and simple — just a search bar. This simplicity helps users focus on what they came to do: search.

But Hick’s Law isn’t just about digital design. It’s a principle that applies to real life too.

Have you ever tried choosing a career path or starting a new project and felt paralyzed by the endless options? That’s Hick’s Law at work. Sometimes, fewer choices can help us move forward more decisively.

I remember a time when my to-do list was overflowing with tasks. My manager advised me to prioritize and let go of less critical tasks. This approach helped me focus and improved my productivity.

So, how can we apply Hick’s Law effectively in UX design?

  1. Simplify Choices: Reduce the number of options to avoid overwhelming users.
  2. Guide Users: Use progressive disclosure to present information gradually.
  3. Prioritize: Highlight the most important actions to direct user attention.

However, we need to be cautious. Simplifying doesn’t mean stripping away essential features. It’s about striking the right balance between simplicity and functionality.

Applying Hick’s Law can significantly improve user experience by making interactions smoother and more intuitive. It’s about creating a seamless journey for users, helping them make decisions quickly and with ease.

In our fast-paced world, reducing cognitive load isn’t just beneficial — it’s necessary. Let’s design with empathy, keep things simple, and always prioritize the user’s needs.

Hope you found this insight into Hick’s Law helpful! Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the comments. Let’s continue to create intuitive and user-friendly designs together. ✨

#UXDesign #UserExperience #DesignThinking #HicksLaw #Productivity #Simplicity”



Muhammad Abu Huraira
Writer for

UX/UI Designer | WordPress Developer | Founder @Designtive