Midjourney: A gentle guide to Multi-Prompt

A simple explanation for a complicated topic

Geeky Animals


A robot is blending fresh orange juice.
Multi-prompt blends and combines all information from the promptlets. Image by author created with Midjourney.

Multi-prompt is hard. There’s no doubt about it.

Multi-prompt is described in Midjourney’s official User Guide that says the following: (as of the date of this writing)

It is possible to have Midjourney Bot consider two or more separate concepts individually using :: as a separator. Separating prompts allows you to assign relative importance to parts of a prompt.

So what does that mean?

Some Midjourney fans have tried multi-prompt, which works well when the prompt is short. As they add more details, things will get more complicated and often produce images entirely different from what they’ve expected — usually in the wrong way.

Don’t believe me?

Just look around for content creators who offer free Midjourney prompts. How many of them giving away free multi-prompt? Not many, perhaps only a few for those hardcore and advanced users.

And what about those content creators who use ChatGPT to churn out 1,000 free prompts per minute? (I’m exaggerating.. .maybe 10K, to be exact? Just kidding). No multi-prompt either.

So, is multi-prompt better than “average prompt”?



Geeky Animals

I'm a veterinarian passionate about the intersection of Midjourney, AI, art, and animals.