Midjourney V6 Essentials: Replicate An Image Easily with Midjourney “/describe” & “Style Reference”🔥

Ultimate Guide to Leverage the Power of “/describe” and “Style References”

Christie C.


Great NEWS! The wait is finally over! Today, Midjourney is testing a new version of the /describe command for V6.

With/describe, it allows you to go from image to text. It’s an Image-to-Text Command! This enhanced version generates longer and more intricate prompts tailored specifically for V6.

It works even better when combined with Midjourney latest feature “Style References”. Today, let me show you how to replicate an image easily.🎨


In this guide, I assume that you already have a basic understanding of how to use MidJourney. If you don’t, follow this Comprehensive guide and Prompting Tips

Text “Level Up” in neon lights

Have you ever seen a mesmerizing work of art and thought — I wish I could recreate something just like this! Well, now you can with Midjourney AI and some prompt engineering.

Today, we will use the new “/describe” command and “Style Reference” to replicate any images you want!

I’ll walk you through simple step-by-step instructions for replicating any images like this below.

Two images of Pikacchiu. The right side is an replication of the left one

What is /describe on Midjourney?

  • ⚒️ Function: Midjourney offers the /describe command to convert images into text prompts. It creates 4 text prompts based on an image.
  • ⚙️ Process: The tool reverse-engineers the uploaded image to generate a set of descriptive prompts.
  • 🖼️ Prompt Generation: Descriptions are created using inspirational and suggestive words, maintaining the aspect ratio of the original image.
  • 🎨 Image Creation: Users can use the suggested prompts to create new AI-generated images while preserving the aspect ratio.
  • 📐 Aspect Ratio: Midjourney preserves the aspect ratio of the uploaded image when generating new images.

🔥 The NEW /descibe will produce longer and more detailed prompts specifically tuned for v6

What to know

  • Conversion: The Describe tool on Midjourney converts images to text prompts.
  • Recreation: Users can recreate original images on Midjourney using the AI-generated prompts.

Today’s content will be broken down into two sections:

  • Section One: Simple Guide to Use “/descirbe”
  • Section Two: Combine the Power of “/describe” and “Style Reference”

Let’s start with the basics!

An epic lightning hyper detailed, cinematic look, cinematic lighting,, high resolution, high contrast, vibrant colors, highly detailed, hyperrealistic, photography, award winning photograph

Part One: Simple Guide to use “/describe” 🎨

Step 1: Type the command /describe

Type the command /describeand you will be given two options: Image and Link. You can either upload an image or paste an image link that you found on the internet.

Midjourney new ‘describe command

Step 2: Four Possible Prompts

Click “enter”. Midjourney will analyze your uploaded image and suggest four prompt ideas for you.

Text prompts generated with Midjourney “describe” command

Step 3: Choose the preferred prompt

Users can choose from the suggested prompts or combine them to visualize new images.

You can then generate images for each prompt by clicking on the relevant 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ buttons underneath or select “Imagine All” to generate all four variations at a time.

4 The Results

Here are the four variations generated with the NEW “/describe”. I will say it’s pretty good and I love the aesthetics

4 images of Pikacchiu

Limitations of /describe

Note that the “Describe” tool may not produce images that are identical to the original every time, but

📌 Tip: You may want to edit the prompts to refine the AI-created images.

How to edit

To edit the prompt, select one of the four prompts generated with /describe.

4 buttons of /dessribe

You will then be given a text box to make your edits.

Text prompt pop-up

Section Two: Combine the Power of “Describe” and “Style Reference” 🎨

Besides customizing the suggested prompt, you can also use “Style References” to prompt a more accurate replication

Now, let’s see how you can leverage the power of “Style Reference” to level up the replication!

Type/imagineas you usually do. Then, copy and paste the text prompt generated with the “/describe” command.

We are using the suggested prompts from above.

To use “Style Reference”, simply type --sref after your text prompt, followed by URLs to the same image you uploaded when using the/describe command

Prompt example of using “text prompt” with “Style Reference”

The Results

Here is the result of combining the text prompt generated with the new “describe” and “Style Reference”

Guide to Style Reference

👉🏻 If you are not familiar with Style Reference, it is the latest feature of V6 that allow you to generate a new image that visually ‘matches’ the aesthetics of a reference image.

I have written a Thorough guide with 4 Advanced Tips of that, check it out here:

Here are two more examples.

Two images of a bunny with flowers around. The right one is an replication of the left one using Midjourney “describe” and “Style References”
Two images of headphones. The right one is an replication of the left one using Midjourney “describe” and “Style References”

Final Thoughts

Although the team is still fine-tuning the details, this enhanced version of “describe” aims to generate longer and more intricate prompts tailored specifically for V6.

I highly suggest using “describe” together with “Style Reference” if you are looking for more accurate image replication.

Stay tuned for more updates! ✉️😊

V6 Essentials

If you want to learn more about the prompting skills with V6, make sure to save this list and never miss any updates!

Midjourney V6 Essentials

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Earn $5000+ with AI Art! Don’t Get Left Behind in the AI Art Gold Rush of 2024!

👉🏻Your ticket to passive income with AI art.💰
Master Midjourney 2024: Beginner to Pro” digital guide.

It comes with:

  • 🎨 1,000+ Prompts: Generate stunning, sellable art
  • 💻 Top Tutorials to Master Midjourney FAST
  • 🖼 Commercial Use Case
  • 💡 Advanced Midjourney prompt writing & expert tips
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Hi👋 I am Christie — An AI Art Creator and Educator😊

I hope you found value in this article on tapping into AI or unlimited creativity. If you’re craving more insider tips, prompts and tricks for tools like Midjourney, I’d love for you to join me on this journey.

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Let’s explore the limitless possibilities of AI together 🚀



🎨 AI Art Creator, Educator & Designer | 5 x Top Writer | Prompt, Tips & Turotial ❤️👉🏻 https://bit.ly/mastermidjourney