MiYoDigital: Promoting a Safer Digital Identity

Debora Moratalla
Published in
8 min readJun 29, 2024


Have you ever received a suspicious email asking you to update your bank password? Or felt uncertain about the security of your personal information online? As technology advances rapidly, cybersecurity has become an essential aspect of our daily lives. However, most people lack the necessary knowledge to effectively protect themselves against digital threats.

With this project, I aim to emphasize and promote the crucial importance of protecting our digital identity, especially as new technological advances continue to emerge.

I invite you to go behind the scenes of our project, showcasing how we used Design Thinking to develop a cybersecurity awareness initiative that not only informs but also empowers citizens to take control of their digital identities.


Exploring cybersecurity: our research journey

The topic of cybersecurity is vast and multifaceted, with numerous perspectives and approaches to consider. In our project, we aimed to tackle the issue by focusing specifically on the everyday user — the individuals who engage with digital technologies on a daily basis but may not have extensive knowledge of the risks involved or how to protect themselves. To address this, we embarked on an exhaustive research journey to understand the current state of cybersecurity awareness and identify practical solutions tailored to the needs of ordinary citizens.

Our research began with a comprehensive literature review, exploring existing studies, reports, and data on cybersecurity threats, trends, and user behavior. This provided us with a foundational understanding of the landscape and highlighted key areas where users are most vulnerable.

We made together a big understanding of cibersecurity and about all the different approaches and practises. Here you can see our research questions and the most appropriate techniques chosen to address each question.

User´s Survey & Interview

First, we conducted a survey with 136 people of various ages, all of whom are mobile device and web users. We needed to determine their level of cybersecurity knowledge and find out if they had been victims of cyber attacks in order to empathize and draw meaningful insights and conclusions.

Experts Interviews

One of the most significant and relevant parts were the interviews, as they provided us with a lot of information about the sector that we did not know and gave us data on the main existing gaps in terms of cybersecurity. Below you can see the profiles and the most significant information of the interview.

Here are the most frequently mentioned terms from our interviews with experts and users. Awareness and digital identity emerged as pivotal themes in our research. This insight guided us in shaping our project’s direction, ensuring we addressed the core concerns and needs of our target audience.

The most sounded words in our Interviews


We obtained valuable insights, and it was at this stage, after empathizing with the users, that we started to define our user personas.

Defining user personas involves creating two or three different archetypes that align with the research findings. This user-centered methodology requires us to set aside any biases and prejudices. Ultimately, defining user personas ensures that all team members are on the same page regarding their understanding of the challenge.

User personas & Empathy Maps

Juan Martinez, a tech-savvy teenager, and Macarena López, a primary education teacher, represent two key user personas in our cybersecurity awareness project.

  • Juan, who spends much of his time online gaming and social networking, often neglects essential security practices, making him vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • Macarena, on the other hand, uses the internet for lesson planning and daily tasks but feels insecure about her limited technical knowledge, which leaves her and her students at risk.

Their profiles underscore the need for targeted education and practical tools to enhance digital safety for users of all ages.

User Journey

Next to empathyze definitely with our User personas we created de user journey of Macarena Gómez. A well-mapped user journey provides invaluable insights into the needs, behaviors, and pain points of your users, allowing you to create products and services that truly resonate with them. By walking in the shoes of Macarena, we uncover opportunities for improvement, enhance her satisfaction, and ultimately drive the success of our cibersecurity project.



Ahaa moment! Time to realize of all the recopiled information in order to define and get some Insights. In this section, we’ll delve into the importance of defining and extracting insights, showcasing how these steps are crucial for developing effective, empathetic, and impactful designs.

What Data Surprised Us the Most?

During our research journey, several findings stood out and challenged our initial assumptions about cybersecurity awareness and behavior among everyday users. Here are some of the most surprising data points:

  • The lack of information and education in cybersecurity is a critical personal threat.
  • Human errors are the biggest gap in cybersecurity, highlighting the need for constant training.
  • Phishing and other social engineering attacks are common and effective threats, underscoring the need to educate users to recognize and avoid these attacks.
  • It is crucial to increase users’ awareness of their personal power to protect themselves from cyberattacks.
  • Vulnerable digital identities significantly affect users’ emotional well-being.
  • Misinformation and the lack of awareness of the real risk of cyberattacks is a critical issue that needs to be addressed.
  • Users prioritize usability over security, making it necessary to develop tools that integrate security intuitively.


To better understand the landscape of cybersecurity tools available in the market, we conducted a comprehensive benchmarking study. This involved analyzing the top cybersecurity tools and evaluating their features, usability, and effectiveness. However, our focus extended beyond the technical aspects; we aimed to uncover why users were not adopting these tools and what barriers they faced.

Reframing the Challenge: Raising Awareness and Empowering Users

Armed with these insights, we realized that the challenge was not just about creating better tools but also about educating and empowering users.


From Insights to Actionable Ideas

After gathering extensive insights from our research and benchmarking studies, we entered the ideation phase. Our goal was to brainstorm and develop innovative solutions to address the identified gaps in cybersecurity awareness and user engagement. Through creative brainstorming sessions, we converged on three main ideas that we believed would effectively raise awareness and empower users to protect their digital identities.

1. Dedicated Website

Lastly, we recognized the importance of a digital platform that could serve as a comprehensive resource for cybersecurity information. We proposed creating a dedicated website focused on cybersecurity awareness and digital identity protection. The website would offer a wealth of resources, including educational articles, tutorials, interactive tools, and forums where users could ask questions and share experiences. The goal was to create a user-friendly, informative, and engaging online destination that users could access at any time.

2. Physical Information Points

Recognizing the need for direct, personal engagement, we also proposed establishing physical information points throughout the city. These information points would be staffed with trained personnel, including ethical hackers and cybersecurity experts, who could provide one-on-one consultations and demonstrations. Each district would have its own information point, ensuring accessibility for all residents. These hubs would serve as focal points for community engagement, offering workshops, informational sessions, and real-time support.

3. Large-Format Poster Campaign

Our first idea was to leverage the power of visual communication through large-format posters. We proposed placing these posters in strategic locations across the city, such as bus stops, train stations, and public squares. The posters would feature simple yet impactful messages about cybersecurity, using eye-catching designs and QR codes that link to additional resources. This approach aimed to capture the attention of passersby and provide them with immediate, actionable information.

Business Model

Our business model is designed to ensure the sustainability and scalability of our cybersecurity awareness initiative. We have developed a multi-faceted approach that leverages various revenue streams and partnerships to support our mission.

  • Public Funding and Grants: We aim to collaborate with government bodies and educational institutions to reach a broader audience and provide free resources to those in need.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: Partnering with tech companies, financial institutions, and other businesses that prioritize cybersecurity will benefit from enhanced brand reputation and visibility as leaders in promoting digital safety.
  • Educational Workshops and Training Programs: We will offer paid workshops and training sessions for individuals, schools, and organizations.
  • Subscription-based Services: Our website will offer premium content and advanced cybersecurity tools through a subscription model.

Future Prospects

Looking ahead, our project has several exciting possibilities:

  • Introduce Mobile Units to reach even more communities, providing on-the-go assistance and spreading awareness.
  • Expanding our project nationwide will increase our impact and help more people across the country.
  • Integrate AI Virtual Assistants to provide instant support and personalized advice.
  • Increase Corporate Partnerships with private companies to enhance the effectiveness of our project.


Now I want to show you how we moved our ideas into a real prototype, focusing on creating a user-friendly and informative website. This platform aims to educate and empower users by increasing their awareness of digital identity and cybersecurity practices.

The website prototype was designed with the following features:

  1. Intuitive Navigation: Ensuring users can easily find the information they need.
  2. Educational Content: Providing articles, videos, and infographics on cybersecurity topics.
  3. Interactive Tools: Including quizzes and simulations to help users test their knowledge and understand the risks.
  4. Resource Hub: Offering links to trusted cybersecurity tools and services.
  5. Support Section: Guiding users on what to do if they suspect a cyberattack or fraud.

By focusing on these elements, we aimed to create a comprehensive and engaging platform that would help bridge the gap between awareness and action, ultimately fostering a safer digital environment for all users.


In today’s digital age, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. As technology continues to evolve, so do the threats that accompany it. Through our comprehensive approach — ranging from large format billboards and physical information points to a robust web presence and targeted advertising — we aim to not only inform but also empower individuals to take control of their digital identities.

Our research has shown that while awareness exists, there is a significant gap in action and understanding. This is where our initiative steps in, providing the necessary tools and knowledge to bridge this gap.

