Decentralising psychedelic therapy

Conner Eastwood
Published in
12 min read6 days ago
Orb user sat looking out over a London skyline, with their trusted friend

Can decentralised access to psychedelic therapy reshape society from the ground up?

Orb is an AI-powered tool designed to guide individuals through safe, personalised psychedelic journeys, combining the profound potential of psychedelics with cutting-edge technology, community, and personal well-being. Imagine a future where expanded access to psychedelic therapy not only improves individual health but also addresses systemic challenges shaping our world. Orb envisions a more equitable and conscious future, where this powerful combination fosters deeper connections and sparks societal transformation from the ground up.

Set in the near future, our speculative advert follows X, a young woman navigating the overwhelming pressures of modern life. In search of solace, she is selected for Orb, which guides her through a deeply personal and life-changing journey.

Throughout the film, we witness X embark on a path of introspection, learning, and healing. Grounded in harm reduction and mindfulness, her journey culminates in her first psychedelic experience. As she confronts and overcomes her inner barriers, X transforms her once-grey world into one of vibrant, interconnected reality.

Orb: Decentralising Psychedelic Therapy Film

This film, accompanied by a research paper and speculative design project, marks the beginning of our broader exploration into the role psychedelia might play in shaping our collective futures. We aim to understand its potential impact across societal, technological, ecological, and ontological systems.


As part of this engagement, we conducted extensive futures research through horizon scanning and trend analysis, identifying critical factors across the domains of politics, economics, society, technology, legality, and the environment. These insights have informed the creation of ten possible futures, visualised through a Futures Cone to map varying timescales and likelihoods — ranging from the near term (0–5 years) to the far future (10–15 years), with outcomes spanning from probable to impossible.

Futures Cone
2x2 Scenario Matrix

To further explore these futures, we developed a 2x2 Scenario Matrix, outlining four distinct scenarios based on governance models (centralised vs. distributed) and driving forces (market-driven vs. society-driven). This project specifically focuses on Scenario 01: PsyCorp — Market Driven, Centralised Governance, with Concept 01 “Capital” examining the rise of psychedelic therapy within private clinics and luxury retreats. By applying a structured futures methodology — comprising Futures Research, Futures Analysis, Prototyping, Worldbuilding & Storytelling, and Immersion — we investigate this concept with a detailed and nuanced approach.

This article is a summary of our 30 page research paper.

Research Paper

Futures Research


The global mental health crisis unfolds against a backdrop of interconnected issues, including climate change, AI advancements, and societal polarisation. These factors collectively shape our global future and intersect with the growing mental health epidemic.

  • Over 1 billion people worldwide are affected by mental and addictive disorders 1, with 1 in 8 individuals living with a mental disorder and lacking access to effective care 2.
  • Anxiety disorders impact more than 301 million people globally 3, Depression affects around 280 million 4, and approximately 312 million individuals have experienced PTSD at some point in their lives 5.
  • Each year, over 720,000 people die by suicide, making it the third leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds 6.
  • The Earth has warmed by 1.2°C above pre-industrial levels, the past decade being the hottest on record 7. Climate change will worsen extreme weather, exacerbate resource shortages, amplify socio-economic instability and geopolitical conflicts 8.
  • AI model sizes and computational power are growing exponentially 9, surging by a factor of 10 billion since 2010 10. AI’s rapid growth presents significant risks: the spread of AI-powered misinformation and economic disruptions from AI-driven job displacement 11 12.

Societal polarisation has intensified 13, exacerbated by social media and partisan news outlets resulting in rising extremism 14 15, social unrest, and declining trust in public institutions exacerbating global risks, like climate change and economic inequality 16 17.


The UK faces multiple challenges, with the NHS, cost of living, economy, and housing being the most commonly reported issues. These factors contribute to the national mental health crisis and socioeconomic pressures 18.

  • The NHS is experiencing one of its worst crises 19, with 7.6 million people on waiting lists, making it the foremost issue facing the UK today 20, with depression being the third most common cause of disability 21.
  • UK consumer prices have surged by over 20% in the past three years 21, Brexit has contributed to about a third of the increase in food price inflation 22, 1 in 8 adults now report that their household income does not cover their basic living needs 23.
  • As of mid-2024, the UK is grappling with rising living costs, with prices for goods and services up by 3.1% compared to the previous year 24, Core inflation has risen by over 4%, with unemployment projected to rise 25.
  • In June 2024, the average UK house price was £287,924, up 2.7% from the previous year 26, with 261,189 long-term empty properties in England on average, with an estimated 309,550 homeless people in England for 2023, or 1 in every 182 people 27.


Psychedelic research has resurged globally, with growing interest in their potential to treat various mental health conditions. However, challenges persist in integrating these treatments into mainstream healthcare systems.

  • The relationship between humans and psychoactive substances stretches back thousands of years 28, however most psychedelics have been banned globally since the 1970s due to the war on drugs 29.
  • Research shows potential in treating anxiety 30, depression 31, substance use disorders 32, PTSD 33, OCD 34, eating disorders and others 35 36 37 38 39.
  • Psychedelics affect the brain by reducing activity in the default mode network by enhancing neural plasticity and connectivity 40. Unlike SSRIs (Antidepressants), psychedelics address underlying issues rather than merely managing symptoms 41.
  • The recent surge of interest was sparked by groundbreaking evidence of the therapeutic potential of psychedelics 42 43 44, driving a global expansion in research and leading to the establishment of numerous research centres and clinics worldwide 45 46.
  • Cultural attitudes toward psychedelics vary globally. Indigenous cultures have long used psychoactive plants for spiritual and medicinal purposes 47, while Western societies often view psychedelics through clinical or recreational lenses 48.
  • The UK is experiencing a surge in psychedelic research 49, but private clinics face challenges due to stringent regulations 50, underscoring the need for policy changes to support the advancement of psychedelic therapy in the UK 51.
  • Integrating meditation, yoga, and breath-work with psychedelics is crucial for spiritual growth and session safety 52, this synergy often leads to long-term improvements in psychological well-being, prosocial attitudes, and a sense of life purpose 53 54 55 56.
  • Luxury psychedelic retreats are emerging globally 57, with prices ranging from $1,750 to $6,500+ for multi-day programs 58 59 60 61 62.

Futures Analysis

Challenges and Opportunities

Futures Wheel (Consequence mapping)

The psychedelic renaissance presents both significant challenges and promising opportunities. These range from exacerbating inequalities to addressing modern disconnection from nature.

  • High costs of psychedelic therapy create significant barriers to access, these costs disproportionately affect individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds 63, exacerbating existing inequalities 64.
  • Concerns about profiteering and monopolisation in the growing psychedelic industry, commercialising psychedelics undermines their spiritual and therapeutic potential, perpetuating profit-driven approaches that commodify mental health 65.
  • Increasing use of psychedelics outside controlled clinical settings raises safety concerns 66, it is essential to acknowledge the real dangers of irresponsible use, emphasising the need for informed and careful use of psychedelics today 67.
  • Potential for innovation in at-home therapies which treat effectively while offering convenience and safety 68 69, whilst non-hallucinogenic alternatives raise concerns around conventional pharmacological approaches to psychedelic therapy 70 71.
  • Varying legal statuses worldwide 72, with some countries moving towards decriminalisation 73, regulations often focus on medical use, overlooking recreational and spiritual practices, a more holistic approach is needed, promoting harm reduction and cultural sensitivity 74.
  • Rise of private clinics offering psychedelic therapies marks a step towards increased accessibility 75 76 77; psychedelic experiences can lead to profound individual and societal benefits, fostering spiritual growth, empathy 78 79 80, and increased connection to nature 81 82 83.



Orb Concept Hero

Building on our research, we envisioned Orb, a near-future product that integrates our insights and sparks dialogue about psychedelics’ future. Orb is a decentralised, community-owned AI platform supported by a diverse ecosystem of experts, from psychiatry to shamanism.

Key features of Orb include:

  1. Affordable subscription model to democratise access to psychedelic therapy
  2. AI-driven guidance based on neuroscience and psychiatry
  3. Human expert oversight and community support
  4. Neuroscientific gamification for preparation
  5. Custom hardware: handheld device, biometric earphones, and companion app

Orb aims to guide users toward safe, harm-free psychedelic experiences for cognitive enhancement, spiritual growth, or mental health treatment. It transforms recreational use into a personalised journey for wellness and therapeutic outcomes.

Speculative Design

The final Orb system consists of three main components, designed to work together as a holistic ecosystem for psychedelic therapy:

Orb Device: A handheld tool crafted to guide users through their psychedelic journey. It interacts with users through spoken prompts and synchronised lights, complemented by calming animations and temperature adjustments for enhanced comfort. Featuring advanced haptic feedback and biometric sensors, Orb provides a grounding presence during experiences. Its organic, ergonomic design ensures comfort throughout extended meditation or therapy sessions, and it syncs with the earphones to deliver coordinated visual and auditory stimuli.

Orb showcasing visual stimuli

Biometric Earphones: Bone-conducting, biometric earphones utilise EEG technology to monitor brain activity, heart rate variability, and other physiological markers. They enhance brainwave training with customised mixed-reality soundscapes that adapt in real time to the user’s mental state and surroundings, improving safety and research.

Biometric Earphones

Companion App: A personalised mental health hub featuring tailored onboarding, extensive medical screening, and a customised treatment plan. Once verified, users access a custom dashboard with daily tasks to prepare for their psychedelic journeys. Using machine learning, the app offers personalised recommendations and integrates wellness activities, mood tracking, journaling, and community sessions. It also manages journey phases and orders bespoke medicine upon verification. The app consolidates data from the device and earphones to refine therapy plans and provide real-time support, ensuring privacy with end-to-end encryption and local data storage.

Companion App

Worldbuilding & Storytelling

Speculative Film: Visualising Orb’s Impact

To bring our concept to life, we created a speculative film set in the near future. The film follows X, a young woman overwhelmed by modern life pressures, who turns to Orb for a guided, personalised psychedelic journey.

The key elements of our concept development for the advert centred on:

  • AI-Assisted Psychedelic Therapy: Highlighting the importance of human verification and medical screenings.
  • Safety and Research: Utilising sensors to monitor brain waves and vital signs.
  • Personalised Journey: Including activities such as meditation, talk therapy, intention setting, learning, and session preparation.
  • Community Integration: Engaging with close friends and community.
  • Safety Protocols: Ensuring all harm reduction and preparation are completed before medication is sent.
  • Transformative Experience: Featuring the support of a trusted friend and facilitating post-session integration.
  • Hopeful Vision: Embracing the idea that “AI isn’t a substitute for humans, but it can help us find our humanity.”

The film’s narrative arc emphasises learning, introspection, and harm reduction, culminating in X’s transformative psychedelic adventure. Through this process, she confronts emotional barriers, transforming her once-grey world into a vibrant, interconnected reality.


Insights and Strategy

Our research and development of Orb illuminated both potential benefits and significant risks associated with integrating AI and psychedelics. Key insights include:

AI and Psychedelics: A Risky Combination

The intersection of AI and psychedelics presents significant risks. Psychedelic experiences involve profound emotional and psychological states that AI may not fully comprehend. We emphasise the critical need for robust human oversight in AI-guided psychedelic therapies to ensure safety and mitigate potential harm during vulnerable moments.

Data Privacy: The Next Frontier of Exploitation

Collecting sensitive biometric and brain data for therapeutic purposes raises significant privacy concerns. We advocate for strict data privacy protections to ensure this data is used solely for therapeutic purposes and not exploited for commercial gain. This includes implementing advanced encryption techniques, decentralised data storage, and giving users full control over their data.

Capitalism and Psychedelics: Risks of Monopolisation

Orb’s decentralised, community-owned model is designed to counter the risk of corporate monopolisation in psychedelic therapy. However, concerns remain that concepts like Orb could be co-opted by tech or pharmaceutical companies, commodifying psychedelics and reducing these personal and spiritual experiences to profit-driven ventures.

Cultural Appropriation: The Threat to Indigenous Knowledge

Psychedelic research and AI models that draw from psychiatric and spiritual knowledge risk appropriating Indigenous wisdom without acknowledgment or compensation. Ethical AI development must involve partnerships with Indigenous leaders to ensure fair use and reciprocity. This could include establishing advisory boards with Indigenous representation and profit-sharing models that benefit traditional knowledge holders.

AI Companions: The Danger of Commercialised Relationships

The rise of AI companions poses ethical challenges, and we must remain critical of transactional exchanges with commercialised products. Over-reliance on AI for emotional support could isolate users from real human connections, which are crucial for psychedelic experiences. AI should support, not replace, human interaction, preserving authenticity and empathy in the therapeutic process.

Tech Spiritualism: AI’s Role in Faith

While AI may simulate aspects of spiritual guidance, it fundamentally lacks the soul and consciousness necessary for true spiritual experiences. A clear boundary must be maintained between technology and spiritual life, with AI serving as a supportive tool rather than a replacement for genuine spiritual practices.

Ethical Use of AI: Enhancing, Not Replacing

AI should enhance, not replace, human creativity and emotional intelligence in psychedelic therapy or in general. It should remain a supportive tool, augmenting human capacities without diminishing them. This means designing AI systems that facilitate human connection and empathy, rather than attempting to replicate these uniquely human qualities.


A Decentralised Future for Psychedelics and AI

Orb’s vision of a decentralised, community-owned platform for psychedelic experiences represents a radical shift towards democratising mental health solutions. By combining AI with psychedelics, Orb seeks to address both individual well-being and broader societal challenges like climate change, social polarisation, and mental health crises. Psychedelic experiences have been shown to enhance empathy, deepen our connection to nature, and foster greater societal cohesion — qualities urgently needed in our fragmented world. However, these advancements come with significant ethical concerns. The intersection of AI and psychedelics raises questions about privacy, the commodification of deeply personal and spiritual experiences, and the potential exploitation of Indigenous knowledge. If not approached thoughtfully, these risks could undermine the very values that psychedelics aim to restore.

Despite these challenges, in a preferable future, the careful integration of AI and psychedelics could help build a more equitable and conscious society. By re-establishing our connection to what truly matters — our ecological and spiritual selves — we could redefine society, not merely as individuals but as one interconnected organism. With a focus on decentralisation, ethical governance, and human connection, these technologies can be harnessed to enhance collective well-being and foster a deeper, more harmonious relationship with the universe around us.


Special thanks to the film crew:
Creative Director: Conner Eastwood @conesciousness
Film Director: Ewan McIntosh @ewanjmcintosh
Producer: Olive Walton @olivwalton
DOP: Amy Reid @amyreidvisuals
1st AC: Phoebe David @phoebfilms
Original Score: Jack Edmonds @jhedmonds
Sound Design: George Davies @george_t.e_davies
Production Assistant: Isabel McIntosh @izzy.mcintosh_
Starring: Rachael Ridley @_rachaelridley

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Thanks for reading,

Designed & Written by Conner Eastwood

