How can the free learning Edtech platform, Great Learning Academy, be monetized?— Product Requirement Document (PRD) for aspiring Product Managers!

1.0 The Problem Statement: Great Learning Academy has free online learning material, prepare an upselling model leveraging the free courses so that we can have more monetized users. The given solution should also catalyze word-of-mouth marketing, creating a self-perpetuating user acquisition and conversion cycle.

Anubhav Mishra


Virat Kohli promoting Great Learning
Great Learning Academy — Case Study

Note: This is designed keeping in mind the new learners looking forward to transitioning to Product Management.

2.0 Deliverables

Deliverable — Free courses for Great Learning
Deliverable — Free courses

3.0 User Persona — Empathizing

So before getting into solving the problem, I decided to gain a fair amount of knowledge on students’ experience with Edtech platforms.

For this, I did a few things:-

  1. I watched a few YouTube videos to…



Anubhav Mishra

I'm a Product Manager skilled in roadmap development, market research, data analysis, revenue growth, and launches. Strong communicator, taught 1000+ students.