Case study: an app to help people quit smoking

Hamdan Rejees
Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2020
About the app

This is my first case study I worked on which was a part of the UI/UX specialization course offered by Calarts
My first task was to look for problems to solve. From there I had to establish my goals, define user requirements and so on.
So, Let’s get down to business !


Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 7 million deaths per year. If the pattern of smoking all over the globe doesn’t change, more than 8 million people a year will die from diseases related to tobacco use by 2030. Tarabo provides motivation, support and rewards to help those interested in quitting once and for all.


Designing a seamless mobile app to help smokers reduce or even break their smoking habit. This app has to be simple, informative and should have the ability to bring and maintain user engagement with strong UX methods.

Design Process used

1) Strategy
2) Outline of scope
3)Information Architecture
4) Wireframes
5) Visual Design


I decided to study various already existent quit smoking apps such as Quit Now, Smoke free and Easy Quit.

In the process, I tried to understand why certain things were done in a certain way in those apps and thought of ideas on how the app could function in a better way.

After the online research, I did a small user research interview among smokers and understood the problems they faced. Many users said they didn’t have the motivation or didn’t remember to report their habits. Some of the users felt lonely as they felt they didn’t have support. Other users said they didn’t get any good feeling after reporting their smoking habits.


In order for the user to report their smoking habits, there should be a desire in the user to do so. For this purpose, I introduced the leaderboard system in the app where the user would get rewards if he/she gets a good rank in the weekly leaderboard table.

I’ve decided to include the community section in the app for those users who felt lonely in their journey to quit or those who were lacking moral support. User who help others in the community section will be rewarded with points.

I know what you’re thinking. What are these rewards ? these points ? Well, I would like to call them Tarabopoints (TP). With Tarabopoints, you get massive discounts and vouchers at stores like Nike, Puma, etc.

Initial Designs/ Wireframes

Initial wireframe

Final Visual Design

Typography & Colors

When choosing the typography for my app I tried to find the best combination possible of colors & font letter. So I chose fountain blue as the main color because it’s a mix of green and blue which represents healing and calmness respectively.

Font & Color

Now comes the Visual Design Part of the apps, According to the flow, the first thing the user sees is the splash screen followed by Login or Sign Up depending on the type of the user.

Splash screen & Sign Up


The introduction screen where the users would answer a series of questions (First time users only).


Intro for first time users

Now comes the dashboard where the users can report or see their smoking habits, progress and money saved.



Here’s the community section where the user can help each other when they’re feeling down.



Now, This would be the favorite part of the app for the user would get excited about which is the rewards section where the user can check remaining Tarabopoints he/she has and then buy many items from branded stores !


Say hello to challenges where users would complete challenges in order to get more TP.



Coming to the final section of the app is Leaderboards where the users can compete with their friends or against anyone in the world.




The complete app was completed from scratch within 3 weeks. Took 3 weeks because I was learning and trying to understand the phases of UX. I made the mistake of choosing the frame of IPhone-8 which is old now. Well I guess mistakes are part of the process and you only grow from your mistakes. The next case study will be way better than this.

An example of how the app would function —

Did you know?

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Try clicking the button. *wink*

Thank you for your time and have a good day!




Published in Bootcamp

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Hamdan Rejees
Hamdan Rejees

Written by Hamdan Rejees

Athlete. Designer. Reader. Rebel. Thinker. Writer.

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