Samsung feature
Sometimes when you want to check, how many times and on what dates you have Ringed this particular person what will you do? You will simply go to call log and then click the person name and will check the history
What if you want to check the call logs date wise, You cannot just keep scrolling if the date you wanna check is from 2 weeks ago
So here’s an idea for it. Let me know if you like it
UX design of a simple mobile feature in calling app.
The idea was to create a simple feature of filter in contact history so that accessing the wanted information can be easy.
The app design is according to the Samsung UI system to present users in a simple and clear way. By research and testing, the user scenarios were created to determine what information do they need to check their call history in order to come up with proper filter options.
User Interface Design
As a contact app is aimed at daily basic operation, the user interface has to be super easy and accessible for users. The application layout is structured around Samsung Dark UI mode. Clear and Solid typography based on Roboto makes the information scannable and legible on screens of different sizes. The kebab menu icon is easily found on the top of the contact list for accessing the ‘check history’ option.
User Flow
Figma Link: