ChatGPT-4 for Siri

Siri ChatGPT 4 Update!

Eric Singhartinger
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2023


GPT-4 is here and you can use it on your iPhone — and iPad and Apple Watch and Apple HomePod and even in your car with CarPlay, simply by speaking/writing with Siri.

If you are new to using ChatGPT with Siri, you should read my article on ChatGPT-3 with Siri first:

Otherwise, here is what’s new:

  • Set assistant style: You can set an assistant style now. Tell GPT to behave serious, sad, sarcastic, tell it to translate everything into spanish, tell it to give very short or long anwsers. I defined a setup variable for it, so you can choose for yourself – and you can change it anytime by editing it directly in code.
  • Natural conversation ending: Whenever you want to finish the conversation (and end the shortcut), you can naturally say that. It works with e.g. “Thank you”, “Alright”, “Understood” and a lot more. GPT will understand that you are done and stop the shortcut.
  • Better chat structure: In GPT-3, conversations have been a long text with all the messages of a conversation below each other. When submitting it to the GPT-server, the whole text was sent and it got larger and larger with every new message, consuming more and more tokens. Now with GPT-4 (actually it already changed with GPT-3.5-Turbo), the conversation is sent as an array containing single messages, each with a role (system, assistant, user). This is an optimization under the hood, but it enables the next update:
  • Token saver: I’m now removing older/earlier messages of your conversation. Now a maximum of 10 messages (configurable) are sent to the server reducing the amount of tokens that are charged to your credit card. Let’s say you have 12 messages in your conversation (system + assistant + user), the oldest 2 (assistant/user) will be removed. Since GPT is always answering with a bit of context, the oldest messages won’t hurt.
  • Resume: If you end the shortcut by closing it or — in speak mode — don’t reply fast enough and the shortcut is ended, your conversation is not lost. It is saved in your iPhone’s local files. If you reactivate the shortcut within 20 seconds (configurable), the old conversation (and clipboard) will be reimported and you can continue in the old context. Pretty neat!

If you are still on the waitlist for GPT-4 (or because 4 is still dramatically overloaded and slow at times), you can still use GPT-3.5-Turbo. Therefor open the shortcut, go into the code and replace “gpt-4” with “gpt-3.5-turbo”.

Download the shortcut here:

One more shortcut: Summarize

This one is also magical. Use it to summarize any text. There are two ways to use it:

  1. If you are in a browser or an app (like Medium), tap the share-button and select “Summarize” from the list. You can find it in the share sheet below the app icons probably at the end of the list. You can edit the order and move it all the way up.
  2. Copy some text into your clipboard and start the shortcut from the Siri search. (Swipe down from on the home screen and search for “Summarize”.)

If you want the shortcut to summarize in a different style, you can edit the assistant style just as in the shortcut above.

Download the shortcut here:

🔮 🔮 🔮 P.S. Super exciting updates to OpenAI are coming up in the next couple of months. Follow me now to stay in the loop! Your shortcuts won’t auto-update.

