The freelancer’s reality check: life beyond the laptop

This is my personal series called MIND where I want to share my vision and observations on the creative industry.

Giorgio Lefeber


Being a freelancer can be an exhilarating rollercoaster ride, filled with moments of triumph and frustration. Now, after a year of navigating the highs and lows, I find myself reflecting on this incredible journey between love and hate for this unconventional career path and eager to share my learnings with those who may be on the fence about taking the leap.

After a decade of navigating the world of traditional employment, I found myself at a crossroads. The once alluring allure of stability and a steady paycheck had begun to lose its shine. The corporate grind left me feeling drained and unfulfilled, and the broken promises of employers only added to my disillusionment. Pouring my heart into building a (design) department, only to face sudden layoffs, shattered my trust and left me questioning the very foundation of my professional life.

It was during this challenging time that former colleagues and close friends, who had already transitioned into the freelance life, became a beacon of hope. They shared captivating stories about the numerous perks of being a freelancer, such as the freedom to choose meaningful projects, the flexibility to set their own schedules to spend more time with their family, and the ability to work from anywhere in the world.

Inspired by their experiences and armed with the conviction that I deserved a more fulfilling professional life, I realized I needed a change — a break from the chains that held me back. With a deep yearning for independence and a burning desire to chart my own course. I made the resolute decision to break loose from the chains of traditional employment and embrace the exhilarating world of freelancing.

Photo by Mo Eid: https://www.pexels.com/photo/swimming-pool-with-green-palm-trees-8657665/

The Dichotomy of Choices

The freedom to make decisions, big or small, is an enticing aspect of freelancing. No longer bound by the restrictions of a traditional employment contract, every choice lies at your fingertips. Dreaming of driving a sleek sports car? It becomes a possibility. Tempted by the allure of the latest smartphone? You can indulge. Wanting that Apple Vision Pro? Why not? The only limit is the one you set for yourself. However, I soon discovered that freedom can be a double-edged sword.

With freedom comes responsibility. Suddenly, decisions that were once delegated to others are now solely your burden. I found myself constantly questioning whether I was making the right choices. Should I invest in that flashy car or prioritize long-term financial stability? Was the new phone a necessity or simply a desire? These decisions not only impacted my own future but also had ripple effects on the well-being and security of my family.

Freelancing granted me the autonomy to shape my own path, but it also demanded that I become the creator and guardian of my destiny. The freedom I sought sometimes left me feeling adrift, wrestling with uncertainty and doubt. It required a delicate interplay of fulfilling personal dreams and aspirations while also prioritizing the needs and security of my family. The choices I made needed to align with both my own goals and the well-being of my loved ones.

The Price of Independence

While the allure of increased income often draws individuals to the world of freelancing, I quickly realized that financial stability in this realm was a delicate balance. The promise of higher earnings was undoubtedly enticing, but it came with its own set of challenges and uncertainties.

As a freelancer, I found myself treading carefully on the tightrope of financial security. Gone were the days of a guaranteed paycheck, replaced instead by the looming possibility of project gaps and income fluctuations. To navigate this uncertain terrain, I had to become adept at managing my finances with foresight and prudence.

One of the key aspects I had to navigate was self-employment taxes. With the absence of an employer to handle tax deductions, I had to take charge of understanding and managing my tax obligations. This required careful planning and setting aside a portion of my earnings to cover these expenses.

Moreover, as a freelancer, I was responsible for my own retirement savings. Building a nest egg for the future became a priority, and I had to be proactive in setting aside funds for my long-term financial well-being. This meant creating a retirement plan and diligently contributing to it, even during leaner times.

Running a one-person shop also meant shouldering all the expenses that came with it. Whether it was investing in equipment, software, or marketing efforts, I often had to dip into my own funds upfront for client projects, with the hope of recouping those costs later. This financial juggling act required careful budgeting and a keen eye on cash flow.

However, the true challenge emerged in the timing of payments. This delay in receiving payments further emphasized the need for financial foresight and a buffer to endure the potential gaps between projects, the stress of going without a regular salary for weeks or even months is always lurking around the corner. Every day off translated into a loss of income, amplifying the financial uncertainty.

The weight of financial responsibility during these periods of instability could be overwhelming, requiring careful planning and discipline to ensure financial sustainability. I realized that building and maintaining a financial safety net was essential to weathering the uncertainties of freelancing.

Photo by Mo Eid: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dude-with-sign-11798029/

Tales of Effort and Serendipity

The pursuit of new assignments often necessitates a delicate balance of managing existing commitments while actively seeking opportunities to expand one’s portfolio. This juggling act requires careful consideration of how to allocate precious time and resources.

I often found myself faced with two choices: taking time off from my current project or investing my limited free time into pursuing new opportunities. While the latter option seemed enticing at first, I soon realized that the value of my time outweighed the potential benefits. The decision to invest my free time into chasing new clients and projects became a complex calculus of weighing the potential return on investment against the impact on my work-life balance.

Freelancing demands a relentless hustle. It requires the art of selling yourself, your skills, and your expertise. I’ve experienced moments when sales conversations demanded immense effort, only to end in disappointment. The hours spent crafting compelling proposals, refining pitches, and engaging in negotiations can feel draining when they yield no tangible results.

Yet, amidst the challenges and disappointments, I also encountered serendipitous moments that reminded me of the beauty of chance encounters in freelancing. Projects that seemed to fall into my lap, without any active sales effort on my part, brought a renewed sense of excitement and purpose. These unexpected wins served as a reminder that the freelance journey is full of unpredictable twists and turns, testing our mettle and rewarding us with unexpected victories.

The hustle, although demanding, becomes an integral part of our freelancer’s DNA. It shapes our resilience, determination, and adaptability. Each experience, whether it yields immediate success or not, contributes to our growth and hones our ability to seize opportunities when they arise.

The Elusive Side Projects

The allure of freelancing was not just the promise of financial success but also the opportunity to fuel my creativity. I envisioned a world where I would embark on countless side projects, exploring uncharted territories and pushing the boundaries of design. It was an idyllic dream that dissolved into a harsh reality.

Initially, the prospect of engaging in side projects seemed exciting, promising a refreshing change of pace from my regular client work. But as the workload piled up and deadlines loomed, I realized that these projects had a way of draining me rather than revitalizing me. The extra responsibilities and expectations that accompanied them added an extra layer of stress to my already busy schedule.

The initial excitement surrounding side projects waned as I struggled to find the motivation and drive to see them through to completion. What I had once envisioned as a boundless playground for creative expression transformed into an obstacle course of deadlines and client expectations.

I learned that the key to making side projects truly beneficial was to keep them small, manageable, and free from external pressures. By setting realistic expectations and allowing myself the freedom to experiment without the weight of responsibilities, I could truly enjoy the creative process. These smaller-scale side projects became a source of inspiration, a sandbox where I could freely explore ideas and techniques without the pressure of delivering a polished final product.

The Dance of Patience and Understanding

Late payments, a pervasive challenge in the realm of freelancing, have the power to test both our patience and financial stability. The time, energy, and dependence on various processes that freelancers invest in their work can make delayed compensation feel particularly burdensome. However, through my own experiences, I’ve come to realize that late payments are often not deliberate acts of disregard but rather a result of the complex and chaotic nature of business transactions.

While waiting for payments can be disheartening, it’s important to acknowledge that we, as freelancers, are not entirely blameless in this equation. There have been instances when I unintentionally paid my invoices late, recognizing that it was a result of oversight rather than intentional negligence. This realization has fostered a sense of empathy and understanding, reminding me that mistakes and oversights can happen to anyone.

Navigating the delicate balance between maintaining professional relationships and ensuring timely payments requires a multifaceted approach. Patience, clear communication, and setting expectations from the outset are key elements of a healthy working relationship with clients. It’s important to establish a mutual understanding of the payment terms and discuss any potential obstacles or delays that may arise.

It’s crucial to prepare for the possibility of late payments and take proactive measures to mitigate their impact. Creating a financial buffer, setting aside savings, and adopting sound financial practices can help weather the storm during periods of delayed compensation. Additionally, maintaining open lines of communication with clients and addressing payment concerns in a respectful and professional manner can encourage prompt resolutions.

Photo by Mo Eid: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-staircase-in-red-wall-graphic-10771000/

Seeking Fulfillment in the Freelancer’s Journey

Freelancing was supposed to feel radically different from traditional employment, but for me, it often feels eerily similar. This internal conflict made me question whether I was doing something wrong. However, I’ve come to realize that the dichotomy arises from the blurred lines between professional autonomy and routine work. Embracing and actively cultivating the unique aspects of freelancing can help create a more distinct and fulfilling experience.

Freelancing is a path filled with both triumphs and tribulations. It promises financial freedom, creative control, and the opportunity to shape your destiny. Yet, it also brings financial uncertainty, the burden of decision-making, the unpredictable nature of projects, and the struggle to maintain motivation. As freelancers, we must embrace the challenges, learn from them, and adapt our approach.

Rather than feeling like we are doing something wrong or missing out on the full potential of freelancing, let us shift our focus. Let us strive for a sense of fulfillment, cherishing the victories while gracefully weathering the setbacks. The freelancing journey is a constant evolution, and through it, we can carve a unique path that aligns with our personal and professional aspirations.

As I move forward, I am determined to approach freelancing with a renewed perspective. I will strive not just to survive but to truly enjoy the journey. I will seek a balance between financial stability and creative exploration, ensuring that I can live my life fully with my loved ones by my side. Freelancing is a daring adventure, and it is up to us to shape it into the fulfilling story we want it to be.

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Giorgio Lefeber

Visual designer, I create digital and visual solutions online and offline.