The Kano Model: Don’t Just Build Features, Build Value

Khatchadour Israelyan
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2023

In the competitive world of business, understanding your customers is key to success. But what do your customers truly value? What features will make them happy, satisfied, and ultimately loyal? This is where the Kano Model comes in.

Developed in the 1980s by Noriaki Kano, the Kano Model is a powerful tool for categorizing customer satisfaction and prioritizing product features. By understanding the different types of customer needs, businesses can make informed decisions about what features to develop and how to invest their resources.

The Five Categories of Needs

The Kano Model classifies customer needs into five categories:

  1. Must-have (Basic): These are the essential features that customers expect as a standard. Not having them will lead to dissatisfaction, but having them doesn’t necessarily lead to satisfaction.
  2. Attractive (Performance): These features exceed customer expectations and lead to increased satisfaction and delight. The better the performance of these features, the happier customers are.
  3. Indifferent (Neutral): These features don’t have a significant impact on customer satisfaction either way. Whether they are present or not, customers don’t care much.
  4. Reverse (Counter-Productive): These features can actually decrease customer satisfaction if they are implemented poorly or unnecessarily. Less is more in this case.
  5. Questionable (Uncertain): These features are new and unfamiliar to customers, and their impact on satisfaction is unknown. Further research and testing are needed to understand their value.
Prioritizing with the Kano Model

Why is the Kano Model Important?

The Kano Model offers several benefits for businesses:

Prioritize features
By identifying the most important features for customers, businesses can allocate resources effectively and focus on developing features that will have the greatest impact on satisfaction.

Reduce development time and costs
By focusing on the right features, businesses can avoid wasting time and money on features that customers don’t care about.

Improve customer satisfaction
By providing features that customers value, businesses can build loyalty and encourage repeat business.

Increase market share
By offering a product that meets or exceeds customer expectations, businesses can gain a competitive edge.

How to Use the Kano Model

There are several ways to use the Kano Model, including:

Conduct surveys
Ask customers to rate the importance of different features and how satisfied they would be if those features were present or absent.

Conduct interviews
Talk to customers one-on-one to gather more detailed feedback about their needs and preferences.

Analyze customer data
Use data from your website, customer support tickets, and social media to identify common customer complaints and requests.

By using these methods, businesses can gather the data they need to categorize customer needs into the five Kano categories and make informed decisions about product development and feature prioritization.


The Kano Model is a valuable tool for any business that wants to improve customer satisfaction and achieve product success. By understanding the different types of customer needs and focusing on the right features, businesses can build products that people love and use.

So, if you’re looking to take your product development to the next level, consider using the Kano Model. You might be surprised at the insights you gain and the positive impact it has on your business.

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