The magic of questions

Vidhyasri Sathasivam
Published in
6 min readJun 27, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Curiosity!

Hey there, fellow designers and curious minds! Today, we’re diving into the thrilling world of user experience (UX) design, where asking questions reigns supreme.

As UX designers, we are the champions of understanding our users, and asking the right questions is our secret weapon to create delightful, intuitive, and user-friendly experiences. So, buckle up and let’s explore the importance of asking questions in our UX design journey, sprinkled with fascinating facts, real-world examples, and a touch of cheerfulness!

Uncovering User Needs:

Asking questions allows us to delve into the minds of our users and truly understand their needs. By conducting user research, interviews, and surveys, we gain valuable insights that help us design with empathy. Through thoughtful questioning, we can identify pain points, preferences, and expectations. For example, by asking questions like “What frustrates you the most about current solutions?” or “What would make this product indispensable to you?”, we can gather specific information that informs our design decisions. These insights enable us to create user-centric experiences that address real problems, leading to greater satisfaction and engagement.

In my own experience, recently I have designed a sustainable fashion application which only has hand-embroidered products, the application's name is “Ri-ki”.

The sample user survey questions played a crucial role in helping me build the application design for Ri-Ki. Let’s explore two example questions and how they influenced the design process:

Question: “What are the biggest challenges you face when shopping for hand-embroidered garments?”

Explanation: The responses to this question provided insights into the pain points and difficulties users encountered while shopping for hand-embroidered garments. Based on the feedback received, I could identify specific areas of improvement and incorporate design solutions to address these challenges. For example, if many users mentioned difficulty in finding the perfect fit, I prioritized the development of an AI-powered sizing tool to provide accurate size recommendations and enhance the user’s shopping experience.

Question: “What customization options would you like to see for hand-embroidered garments?”

Explanation: By asking this question, I gathered valuable feedback on users’ desires for customization features. The responses helped me to understand the specific customization preferences of the target audience and guided the development of design features that aligned with those preferences. For instance, the users expressed a desire for the ability to choose embroidery patterns or customize colour combinations, I ensured that the customization interface within the application allows users to easily select and personalize these elements.

Did you know that Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone, asked the question “What would you do with your mobile phone if anything were possible?” This question inspired the creation of the iconic microblogging platform we know today as Twitter!

Fostering Innovation

As UX designers, we have the unique opportunity to push the boundaries of what’s possible and drive innovation. By constantly questioning the existing solutions, we challenge ourselves to think creatively and discover new ways to solve problems. By asking questions like “How might emerging technologies enhance this experience?” or “What if we approach this from a different angle?”, we open doors to fresh ideas and innovative solutions. Embracing curiosity and asking insightful questions allows us to break free from conventional thinking and deliver designs that surprise and delight users.

Again coming with my applications point of view,

Question: “How can Ri-Ki foster innovation and creativity in the hand-embroidered fashion industry?”

Explanation: This question aims to gather insights and suggestions from users on how Ri-Ki can contribute to fostering innovation and creativity in the hand-embroidered fashion industry. The responses to this question provided valuable input for me to understand user expectations and preferences regarding innovation within the application. It helps shape design decisions and features that can support and encourage creative expression for both users and designers.

Sample user responses to this question could include:

  1. “Provide a platform for emerging designers to showcase their innovative hand-embroidered designs.”
  2. “Introduce a feature that allows users to collaborate with designers to co-create unique hand-embroidered pieces.”
  3. “Offer a gallery or inspiration section showcasing innovative and experimental embroidery techniques.”
  4. “Include educational resources or tutorials on hand embroidery techniques to inspire users to explore their creativity.”
  5. “Create a community forum where users and designers can exchange ideas and collaborate on new design concepts.”

When Airbnb’s founders asked themselves, “What if you could book someone’s home just like you book a hotel?”, they sparked a revolution in the hospitality industry. By questioning the traditional concept of accommodations, they created a platform that changed the way people travel and experience new places.

Collaborative Design

UX design is a collaborative effort that involves various stakeholders, including developers, marketers, and product managers. By asking questions, we foster effective communication and create a shared understanding among team members. Through workshops, design sprints, and brainstorming sessions, we encourage collaboration and bring diverse perspectives to the table. By asking questions like “What are your thoughts on this design approach?” or “How can we align our goals and deliver the best experience?”, we ensure that everyone’s insights and expertise are considered. This collaborative environment leads to more informed decisions, better-designed experiences, and a sense of collective ownership over the final product.

Once more coming with my applications point of view,

Question: “How can Ri-Ki promote collaborative design experiences between users and designers in the hand-embroidered fashion industry?”

Explanation: This question aims to gather user insights and suggestions on how Ri-Ki can facilitate collaboration between users and designers within the hand-embroidered fashion industry.

Sample user responses to this question could include:

  1. “Enable a platform where users can directly communicate and collaborate with designers to create custom hand-embroidered pieces.”
  2. “Offer design templates or tools that users can personalize and share with designers to bring their creative vision to life.”
  3. “Provide a platform for users to showcase their design ideas and receive feedback and suggestions from designers and the community.”
  4. “Include a rating or review system that allows users to provide feedback and recognition to designers for their collaborative work.”
  5. “Organize design challenges or competitions that encourage collaboration between users and designers to create innovative hand-embroidered designs.”

Don’t be afraid to ask “Why?” multiple times! The five whys technique, popularized by Toyota, helps us get to the root cause of a problem by continuously asking “Why?” until we reach a meaningful answer. This approach encourages deeper exploration and uncovers hidden insights.

As UX designers, asking questions is our superpower. It allows us to connect with users, uncover their needs, optimize the user journey, foster innovation, and collaborate effectively. By embracing curiosity, we embark on a journey of discovery that leads to exceptional user experiences. So, let’s keep our minds open, ask questions with enthusiasm, and create designs that leave a positive impact on the lives of our users. Remember, a cheerful question is a gateway to an extraordinary design!

Join me on this exciting journey of UX design exploration! Follow me for more captivating blogs that uncover the secrets of user experience and ignite your creative curiosity.



Vidhyasri Sathasivam

I am vidhyasri sathasivam, UX/UI designer, innovator, creative thinker.