The Payvand-Tel Redesign Journey with the Double Diamond Framework

Eanlami Samandar
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2023

Navigating the Process of Improving User Experience and Functionality


Payvand-Tel is a communication platform that has been in the market for a while now. However, the platform was facing a number of accessibility problems, confusing site maps and outdated visual designs. In order to improve the platform and make it more user-friendly, the design team at Payvand-Tel decided to use the Double Diamond framework to come up with a comprehensive solution to these issues.

Show a number of project components along with the project title


Payvand-Tel is a leading provider of advanced call management systems based on VoIP technology. Established in 2013, the company has a long-standing commitment to delivering the best in VoIP technologies to its users. In its quest to provide an exceptional user experience, Payvand-Tel has constantly worked to improve its offerings and stay ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving field of call management.

Double diamond

For this project, we decided to use the Double diamond framework. The Double Diamond framework is a design process model used in product design and development. It consists of four stages: Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver. The first two stages, Discover and Define, are focused on exploring and defining the problem and potential solutions. The Develop stage involves developing and testing potential solutions, while the Deliver stage is focused on finalizing and launching the product. This framework is called the Double Diamond because of its shape, which resembles two diamonds, representing the divergent and convergent phases of the design process. The framework helps designers to structure their thinking and approach to a design project, ensuring that all aspects of the design process are considered and addressed in a systematic and thorough manner.

a view of the double diamond framework
Double diamond


  1. Change work status problem
  2. Visual design is outdated
  3. Difficulty in accessing different parts of the panel
  4. Constantly checking call statuses
  5. The panel had severe accessibility problems according to user reviews

The Discover phase involved finding the problems with the existing panel. The team found that users had difficulties finding different parts of the panel, with a large number of calls and the intensity of their work leading to confusion and frustration. The visual design was also outdated, with a need for a youth-friendly and modern look to attract new and young users. Additionally, the current panel was not in line with the WCAG standards, making it difficult for all users to work with the panel.


The Define phase involved defining the problems and coming up with potential solutions. The design team took into consideration the following subjects: WCAG standards compliance, easy access to different parts of the panel, architectural improvement, and an improved visual design.

WCAG standards

The panel needs to be designed according to WCAG standards to make it more accessible for all users.

Easy access

The sitemap and sidebar architecture need to be redesigned to make it easier for users to find the different parts of the panel.

Architectural improvement

The panel was too wide and confusing for users, so a new architecture needs to be designed to help users easily find the different features.

Improved visual design

The company persona has changed and there is a need to attract new and young users, hence a youth-friendly and modern look needs to be designed for the panel.


The third phase involved developing the solution based on the problems and solutions defined in the previous phase. The following were the subjects that were taken into consideration:

Wire framing low fidelity

This involved creating basic wireframes to test the new design and architecture of the panel.

A view of the low fidelity wireframe design
Low fidelity wireframe

Wire framing high fidelity

This involved creating more detailed wireframes to test the design and architecture before the actual development process.

A view of the high fidelity wireframe design
High fidelity wireframe

Style guide

A style guide was created to ensure consistency in the design and development of the panel.

Style guide

Design and redesign components

The design team worked on designing and redesigning different components of the panel to make it more user-friendly and visually appealing.


Complete architecture redesign

This involved redesigning the entire architecture of the panel to make it more accessible and easier to use for users.

Show the new architecture designed for the panel
Architecture redesign


The final phase involved delivering the solution and ensuring that it meets the needs of the users. The following were the subjects that were taken into consideration:

Implementing the solution

The design team implemented the solution and made sure that it met the needs of the users.

User testing

The design team conducted user testing to ensure that the panel was accessible and easy to use for all users.

WCAG standards compliance

The panel was tested to ensure that it was compliant with WCAG standards.

As a design team, we are proud to have successfully completed the project for Payvand-Tel. Our goal was to create a user-friendly communication platform that would meet the needs of our users, and we are confident that we have achieved this. By utilizing the Double Diamond framework, we were able to thoroughly explore and address the challenges faced by the platform, and deliver a solution that is not only accessible but also visually appealing. The results of our user testing show that our efforts have paid off, and we are confident that the new and improved Payvand-Tel platform will be well received by its users.

More Screens

Show the new architecture designed for the panel


We, the design team at Payvand-Tel, successfully applied the Double Diamond framework to tackle the challenges faced by the communication platform. Through a systematic approach of Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, we were able to address the accessibility problems, confusing site maps, and outdated visual designs. Our collective efforts resulted in a comprehensive solution that improved the user experience, making the panel more accessible, easier to use, and visually appealing. By ensuring WCAG standards compliance and conducting thorough user testing, we were able to deliver a solution that met the needs of the users. The design documentation we created during the process will serve as a valuable reference for future design projects at Payvand-Tel.


The design and development of this project was a collaborative effort, with both Arash Damanafshan and myself contributing to all stages of the process. Working together, we were able to combine our skills and expertise to create a successful outcome that met all our goals and objectives.



Eanlami Samandar
Writer for

I'm a product designer passionate about creating better experiences. I believe every interaction is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact.