The power of diversity: How inclusive UX drives business growth

thomas shillingford
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2024

Part Two of a three-part series examining the importance Inclusive UX plays in our world.

Person pointing to a sticky note among many on a wall, indicating brainstorming or project planning.
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Before you dive into Part Two, I recommend you take a moment to read the first article in this series, “Embracing Inclusive UX in the Design Process.” It underlines the transformative impact of Inclusive UX, advocating for integrating diverse perspectives from the outset to create digital products and services that are accessible and intuitive for everyone.

The Imperative of Inclusive UX Research

In the digital design landscape, embracing Inclusive UX principles transcends mere business acumen; it embodies the commitment to ethical and responsible decision-making. Inclusive UX research does far more than widen your audience — it actively engages users, leading to the creation of products that truly resonate with a diverse array of experiences and backgrounds. This approach is founded on the understanding that every user is unique, each with their own set of needs and preferences that are crucial in shaping products that succeed and stand out in the market.

Cultivating Business Growth through Inclusive Design

Incorporating diversity in UX research contributes significantly to business growth. By engaging with a broad range of user groups, companies can uncover insights that lead to more intuitive, accessible, and widely appealing products. This is not just about expanding the user base; it’s about deeply connecting with it. In doing so, businesses can see increased user satisfaction, higher engagement rates, and, ultimately, a larger market share.

Examples: Diverse UX Design Driving Success

Microsoft: Accessibility as Innovation
A prime example of Inclusive UX design is Microsoft’s focus on accessibility. Their inclusive design philosophy aims to empower every person, including those with disabilities. This approach led to the development of features like the Narrator app, which reads text aloud for visually impaired users, and the Xbox Adaptive Controller, designed for gamers with limited mobility. These innovations didn’t just cater to specific groups; they enhanced the overall user experience, increasing market reach and customer loyalty. The success of these features highlights how addressing the needs of diverse users can lead to groundbreaking products with broad appeal.

Airbnb: Cultural Sensitivity in Design
Airbnb’s UX design transformation showcases the importance of cultural diversity. Recognising the global nature of their service, Airbnb revamped its UX to be more culturally inclusive. This included language adaptations, currency conversions, and understanding cultural norms in different regions. As a result, Airbnb saw a significant increase in user engagement and bookings from diverse markets. Their ability to adapt to different cultural contexts not only improved user satisfaction but also contributed to Airbnb’s global expansion and profitability.

Image shows data visualisation of customer engagement: Xbox (Adaptive Controller): 232% increase Duolingo: 20% increase Spotify: 35% increase Headspace: 20% increase Netflix: 20% increase

Reaching More Users Through Inclusive Design

Adopting Inclusive UX design is critical to expanding your business’s reach and impact. Rather than targeting narrow demographics, Inclusive UX research and design caters to users across backgrounds, abilities and cultures. This empathetic approach provides insights that shape broadly appealing, engaging experiences.

In today’s diverse market landscape, the success of a business hinges on its ability to understand and meet the varied norms, values, and behaviours of different cultures. Inclusive UX research plays a pivotal role here, providing insights into different cultural contexts and ensuring that products are relevant and appealing across various regions. This perspective is not just beneficial — it’s essential for businesses looking to establish strong market growth. Products that resonate with a diverse audience tend to see heightened engagement and foster deep user loyalty.

In the insightful book “Building for Everyone,” author Annie Jean-Baptiste emphasises creating products that cater to a diverse audience. This central theme of the book underscores the crucial role of UX diversity. Jean-Baptiste argues that when products resonate with a wide range of users, encompassing various backgrounds and experiences, they are more likely to achieve increased engagement. This heightened level of interaction goes beyond mere usage; it fosters a sense of loyalty and connection among different user groups.

The book delves deep into the concept that inclusivity in UX design is not just a moral or ethical consideration but a pivotal factor in the commercial success of products. By focusing on users’ diverse needs and preferences, businesses can develop products that meet a wide range of requirements and appeal to a broader audience. This approach significantly expands the potential market reach of a product.

Fundamental Principles of Inclusive UX to Enhance Business Growth

  • User-Centric and Accessible Design: Focus on deeply understanding the needs and behaviours of diverse user groups, ensuring that designs are accessible and usable for people with varying abilities and backgrounds.
  • Cultural Sensitivity and Emotional Connection: Embrace cultural sensitivity in design, acknowledging different norms and values, and strive to create an emotional connection with a diverse user base through empathetic and inclusive design practices.
  • Tailored Experience with Inclusive Representation: Provide options for personalisation and customisation. Use inclusive language and imagery to represent a broad spectrum of society, ensuring that all user groups feel seen and valued.
  • Ongoing Feedback and Team Collaboration: Create channels for constant user feedback and encourage teamwork that brings together different viewpoints, driving innovative solutions in design.

Overcoming Challenges with Strategic Approaches

While the benefits are substantial, implementing diversity in UX research comes with its challenges. These can include unconscious bias, limited resources, and resistance to change. However, these challenges can be effectively addressed through strategies such as inclusive hiring practices, continuous training in diversity and inclusion, and expanding the recruitment pool to ensure a variety of perspectives.

Key Takeaways: The Business Case for Inclusive UX Research

  • Broad Market Appeal: Businesses can create products that appeal to a broader audience by focusing on diverse needs and preferences, significantly expanding their market reach.
  • Competitive Advantage: Companies prioritising diversity in UX are more likely to outperform their competitors as they cater to a broader and more diverse customer base.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Diverse UX research leads to products that are more aligned with the needs and preferences of a broad user base, resulting in higher engagement and loyalty.
  • Innovation and Creativity: A diverse UX team, enriched with multiple perspectives, is more likely to develop innovative solutions and creative design approaches.
  • Cultural Adaptability: Inclusive research ensures products appeal across diverse regions, essential for businesses to thrive in varied markets. This approach is critical to resonating with and capturing a broader user base.

Conclusion: A Future-Focused Strategy

In summary, inclusive and diverse UX research should be a fundamental aspect of business strategy. Every step towards Inclusive UX design is a step towards broadening your market reach and connecting more deeply with your audience. It’s about building products and services that not only serve but also understand and reflect the rich tapestry of human experiences.

Embracing and incorporating these principles in UX design is crucial in our interconnected and diverse world. Companies committed to this approach are poised to lead in creating a more inclusive, accessible, and universally appealing digital landscape.

How are you integrating Inclusive UX into your work? What challenges are you facing? Are you weaving diversity into your UX research and design? Share your experiences.








Annie Jean-Baptiste:



thomas shillingford

Londoner living in Sydney, Australia. Digital Designer and Strategist.