The Power of Left Alignment: A User-Centric Perspective in Design
One of the most overlooked yet crucial aspects of text-based design is alignment. While centre or justified alignment might seem aesthetically pleasing, left alignment has long been the go-to choice for text-heavy interfaces, particularly for languages that read from left to right, for instance, English. So, what makes left alignment the better option from a UX/UI designer’s standpoint?
Natural Reading Flow
People who read from left to right naturally focus their eyes on the left side of the page. Left-aligned text accommodates this reading habit, making the user’s experience smoother and more intuitive.
Improved Scalability
Web users often skim through content rather than read it word-for-word. The left-aligned text facilitates easier scanning as the eye can quickly return to a fixed start point after reaching the end of each line.
Consistency and Predictability
A steady left margin facilitates easy reader engagement with the content. This fixed starting point also fosters a sense of predictability,
an essential component in successful UX design.