The social screen time

Omkar Mangalekar
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2024
Image with text “ The social screen time “ and a illustration of half clock and half logo of Instagram

Now that you are here either you may be curious or you may frustrated out of the thought that “ Wtf is this new term now “. Don’t worry, you will get the answers anyways ! It’s not any new term, it’s just my portmanteau word for social media and screen time. All of this started when some of the neurons in my brain fired altogether providing me with this new word “ The social screen time “ this happened when I realised that social media contributes the most of our daily screen time. Although I am no philosopher but I am a good observer and I write what I observe. Also, before reading further keep in mind that Instagram is the only social media app I use. Moving on…

So this was sometime last year when I was trying to lower my social media time. I tried setting daily limit on Instagram by Instagram itself, which didn’t work obviously as it just reminded me that “ you have spent x minutes “. As I was able to close that pop up, that reminder was worth nothing for my mind which loved scrolling. Later, I tried third party apps that were able to close down Instagram after a specific amount of time that we desired.

Pie chart of screen time with Instagram having 62.5% that is 2.5 hours

During all this period I noticed that out of my 4 hrs of screen time Instagram consisted 2.5 hrs, that’s 62.5% of my screen time. On the same day I checked the screen time of all my college friends, they too had kind of similar percent of Instagram in their total screen time. Then, I realised this is the case of almost every phone user. This is when a question struck me

Why do we use social media ?

Imagine on one fine day you are chilling at home, scrolling Instagram and before you know one hour passes. This happens with everyone (if you think it hasn’t, you haven’t realised it yet) . Funny thing is, even after we know this truth we repeat the same everyday !! The web has spread enormously. But, what drives us to open Instagram at first ?

It can be urge to see what’s happening in other’s life. It’s when our brain goes “ We have time right ? Let’s see what is happening in one’s life and compare ours with him “. Also, a so called break you take from your work to feel relaxed and again dive in the world of comparison and fame. The break you took to relax turns out to make you more stressed. It can be that one friend who’s like “ Have you seen the reel I sent you ?” and there goes some of your time. There’s also this other type where you just want to kill time, like when you are waiting in a queue, waiting for a bus etc. I wonder at what point has the human evolution advanced that we feel a need to kill the time !! when we can just have a conversation with some random person which is pretty much “ social “.

2 illustrations : First, showing a person using phone with his head down and disconnected from the people in queue ans second, shows that same person having a conversation with some people in the queue.

Some also have a FOMO i.e Fear of missing out things on Insta which don’t even add any value to your life. Topics like winner of a show, controversy of two famous people trend in a snap throughout the country this is when I remember the quote :

If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.

from a Netflix documentary — The social dilemma.

Now few may argue that they use Instagram for entertainment purpose but, you don’t even realise when that entertainment turned into doom scrolling. We also another fear that we will loose updates on our social circle. In first place why do you need their updates? Have you ever thought if the people close to you they will call you if they are really that close else, you are clever enough. This list can go on to infinity ! When observed closely humans are controlled by screens, screens are controlled by social media apps, these apps are controlled by algorithms hence ultimately humans are controlled by algorithms. or are they ? because algorithms get data through your actions, right ? So it’s your actions against you.

The algorithmic trap

Till now we all know that our phones have ears. Like, When we say something about shoes we get an ad about shoes on various platforms, don’t we ? When we read about a controversial topic that is biased we get suggested similar posts with the same bias. Because this is what makes us to stay longer on the screens which is the primary goal of all algorithms. It makes us crave more for that thing which gives us a dopamine release. You might have observed, when you share content with people after a period you get suggested content similar to what they shared and vice versa. We tend to crave the “ scrolling ”when we are not ready to think about our life, we avoid to think and that’s when algorithms take control. With the AI’s these algorithms will only get stronger. Today they are at a point when they control us even when we are off the phone and we find excuses to open the phone like the phone is captivating us with some sort of magic. Seems like they are magicians more than algorithms and we are the rabbits of their shows !! Or are we human ?

Human : A social being ?

Humans are social beings. — Aristotle

But really are we social ? Are we even human ? Today even in a family get togethers or any social gatherings every one of us has his/her head down attached to their beloved screens. At least we are able to talk to a new person as we never had phone in our childhood but, what about the new age children who are growing with a phone in their hand. They can’t even talk to another person making an eye contact, exercising and playing on a ground may not be in their dreams too. Wouldn’t these acts lead to destruction of human race ? If yes, would it be good or bad ? Think.

Set limits to your social media apps, talk with a stranger when standing in a queue and when you really don’t have anything to do just THINK !! That will help you understand where are you in your life. Don’t let algorithms use you, make use of algorithms by feeding them the content that will genuinely help you in your work, life or any other aspect. Call people close to you, maybe they will develop a habit to call you too ! Don’t focus on lives of famous people it’s either not real or even if it is, that doesn’t make any difference in your life. Try to replace social media apps with a reading app or a book would be perfectly fine. At least it will increase your attention span if not anything.

We are currently living our life in a small rectangular frame of maybe 6.5 inch when we can experience it in a 360° !! Why do you miss your childhood more ? There was no phone that time, experiences is what we had at that time. Less screens and more life. Playing cricket with friends on a ground and not on artificial turfs. Riding bicycle to the nearest lake, visiting different places in vacations, that’s what made us feel alive. Today, we are forgetting to experience things by just documenting them in photos. Later you realise that the memory you have is just of capturing photos. The photos which you intend to post on Instagram which makes you feel like you have achieved something and gives you the attention you crave for. People plan what they will post on stories when they visit a new place !! Bro, what’s wrong with you ? At least reach their first, watch that mountain with your own eyes rather than with your phone’s. . Don’t chase the numbers, choose people over materials because only the people matter. Try to live without social media, it today’s world anything can end anytime even social media. What would you do if all these apps shut down ? I would end this blog with two statements :

1. Use your phone, don’t let them use you

2. With every new invention, comes greater consequences.

Connect ? Why not

Here’s link to all my socials.



Omkar Mangalekar

UX | Business | Product | History | Life and more