Top UX portfolios that landed jobs at industry giants — Examples, Why we need it, What it consists of. Part 1

Discover the key elements and best practices from exceptional UX portfolios that secured positions at leading companies

Nurkhon Akhmedov


Summary: In this article, we’ve explored the top 5 UX portfolios that successfully secured positions at leading companies. These portfolios showcase impressive design skills, effective problem-solving, and engaging storytelling about the designer’s work. By learning from these standout examples, you can improve your own portfolio and increase your chances of landing your dream job in the competitive UX design field.

Source: CareerFoundry

Getting a job in UX design at a top company is not easy because many talented people want those jobs too. To stand out, you require a great portfolio that shows your skills. In this article, we will look at some of the best UX portfolios that got people hired at big companies. By studying these examples, you can learn how to make your own portfolio better and increase your chances of…



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