Transforming a Poor Landing Page into a High-Converting One

Yoga Pratama H
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2024

From Confusion to Clarity: Steps to Enhance Your Landing Page Performance

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

Why Do Conversions Happen?

Conversions occur when visitors to a website take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form. Conversions happen because the website successfully persuades visitors to take that action. Key factors influencing conversions include appealing design, clear messaging, easy navigation, and fast page load times.

When Do Conversions Happen?

Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

Conversions can happen at various stages of the user journey:

  • Immediately after landing: If the page is captivating and immediately provides value.
  • After further exploration: If users need additional information or proof before making a decision.
  • After multiple visits: If users need time to consider or compare options before taking action.

Meaningful Conversions

Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Meaningful conversions align with your business goals. Examples include:

  • Sales: For an online store, a meaningful conversion is a product purchase.
  • Sign-ups: For a subscription service, a meaningful conversion is a new user sign-up.
  • Leads: For a B2B business, a meaningful conversion is collecting contact information from potential clients.
  • Engagement: For a social media platform, meaningful conversions might include clicks, likes, shares, or comments.

Analogy: From a Poor to a Good Landing Page

Imagine you have a physical store. Initially, your store is cluttered, the display windows are unattractive, and items are hard to find. Visitors might walk in, feel confused, and leave without buying anything. This is similar to a poor landing page: unclear messaging, confusing design, and difficult navigation.

Now, imagine you revamp your store. You clean up and organize the display windows, create an appealing and easy-to-follow layout, and add good lighting. Products are clearly displayed, and signs help visitors find what they’re looking for. Visitors are now more likely to stay longer, feel comfortable, and make purchases. This is akin to a good landing page: clean design, clear messaging, easy navigation, and fast loading.

Steps to Revamp a Landing Page

Photo by Serhat Beyazkaya on Unsplash
  • Initial Analysis: Identify the main issues with the current landing page. Is the main message clear? Is the navigation easy? Does the page load quickly?
  • Set Goals: What do you want to achieve with this landing page? More sign-ups, sales, or leads?
  • Simple and Clear Design: Ensure your landing page design is clean and not confusing. The main message should be easily understood within seconds.
  • Optimize Page Speed: Make sure the page loads quickly. Visitors are likely to leave slow-loading pages.
  • Testing and Feedback: Conduct A/B testing to see which version is more effective. Gather user feedback for further improvements.

The Final Result

By making these changes, your landing page will become more appealing, clear, and user-friendly. Just like an organized store, visitors will feel more comfortable and more likely to take the desired action. This can lead to a significant increase in conversions, helping you achieve your business goals more effectively.


Transforming a landing page from poor to great involves understanding user behavior, simplifying design, clarifying messaging, and optimizing speed. Conversions happen when users feel comfortable and confident in taking action, and meaningful conversions align with your business objectives. By following these steps, you can achieve significant improvements in your landing page’s conversion rate.

