“Unleashing the Power of Beauty: Nykaa App’s Jaw-Dropping Redesign Sets the Standard!”

Niveditha S S
Published in
7 min readJul 3, 2023

Let me first start my motive here. This is my first case study of redesigning existing app. I have completed 2 weeks program which is conducted by Anudeep. Learning and unlearning lot of information has been overwhelming. I am starting to look at things in different way and trying non traditional learning all together. Trying to apply all my learning into this . Wish me luck and give honest reviews.


NYKAA is a e-commerce app which is so beautifully designed .I used to admire this app because I never had any problem while using this app before or can I say that I always believed its good app thats why it is popular I can be stupid if even have little doubt about it. YA! of course It is simple, but very user friendly that is what I expected.Its a very big company they will follow all 10 Heuristic principles obviously.But I was wrong, they have missed out some. Yay! I will show you people HOW.

Stay tuned….

Look at the screens which are shown below,


Here we cant know what is the next step ?

what is your current status?

how many steps are still there to complete this process?


when you add a product and feel we may not need it any more then we can delete it.But if we change our mind we have to do same procedure and may forgot what we have ordered or which was the brand we had selected before.We should start from step 1 again which is a chaos.


I need to keep scrolling for description, rating, Delivery, reviews.

Some times it takes lot of time to do that .

We might miss out lot of things because of “too much information”

Let’s identify which problem it belongs to among these “10 Heuristic principle of usability testing “

Lets recall it again


Here we cant know what is the next step ?

what is your current status?

how many steps are still there to complete this process?



when you add a product and feel we may not need it any more then we can delete it.But if we change our mind we have to do same procedure and may forgot what we have ordered or which was the brand we had selected before.We should start from step 1 again which is a chaos.



I need to keep scrolling for description, rating, Delivery, reviews.

Some times it takes lot of time to do that .

We might miss out of of things because too much information



Lets find out all possible solutions

  1. Why can’t we add the status of delivery to make people understand they have some more steps needed to complete the process.
  2. Why cant we add separate deleted cart so that we can go there and fetch the data
  3. why cant we add deleted item in bin (like google )
  4. why can’t we keep every thing in one line( description, overview etc) made it as a tab so that we don’t miss out important things

HERE, I almost got solution for all questions . I tried to solve by referring other apps and scrolling dribble and behance. For better understanding I will go to next step that is paper Prototyping


Paper prototyping is necessary because it enables rapid iteration, early user feedback, and reduces costs. It focuses on core concepts, promotes collaboration, and is accessible to both designers and users. By quickly sketching and modifying design ideas on paper, designers can refine their concepts and gather valuable insights before committing resources to digital development.

HERE, I am choosing only 2 questions and try bringing answers to it. Lets take a look on the prototyping this can also be called “ LOW FIDELITY PROTOTYPING”


High-fidelity prototyping involves creating detailed and realistic prototypes that closely resemble the final product. These prototypes are highly interactive and provide an accurate representation of the user experience. They include visual elements, animations, and interactive features to mimic the final product’s look and functionality. High-fidelity prototypes are valuable for user testing, as they allow users to engage with the prototype in a realistic manner, providing valuable feedback and uncovering usability issues. These prototypes help identify and address design flaws early on, saving time and resources in the development process.

Lets start solving one by one problem,

Look at the screen 1 and screen 2,

I add the status of delivery to make people understand , There are 2 more steps needed to complete the process.It makes people uncomfortable until they complete all process so they try to finish it. Here comes the law


People remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.

Seeing an incomplete action motivates people to complete it .people always tends to have every thing in finished state .

It will be frustrating, even after we complete the screen we may not expect same result rather go to next page. Feels like process is taking too long.

Now , you look at it .It all makes sense .OK ! lets come to solving next problem solution.

I try making it simple but solves my problem,

I keep every thing in one line( description, reviews, delivery) made it as a tab so that we don’t miss out important things. I don’t need to keep scrolling and get lost in the whole process. Some times we even for get what we were looking at.


Recognition refers to the cognitive process of identifying or remembering something when it is presented. Here it is easy to recognise is preferred over recall because it is easier for users to recognise options or elements rather than having to remember them from memory. This design principle enhances usability and minimises the chances of errors caused by relying solely on the user’s recall abilities.


Nykaa is a common application and almost everyone is using it, I just went out at random people to do the User testing if users could easily understand the design and use it or not .I have been given feedback on the same.

Tasks given to the users:

  1. How will you know Number of steps to complete shopping procedure ?
  2. As soon as you complete a process in a screen what do you expect?
  3. Can you give me information about reviews?

Observations I wanted to make:

  1. Whether the user is able to tell the status at one glance
  2. Is the user able to go to reviews with out scrolling much?

User Insights received:

  1. Both the users were easily able to find the STATUS of the procedure .

2. They had an idea how much time it is required to complete all the process.

3. They didn’t feel frustrated as soon as they see 3 steps as they were prepared and saw that coming.

4. IN NEXT SCREEN, both the user felt it is easy to click on tabs and search for what we want.

5. Too many scrolls would make then miss out important things so they did not have to scroll just click on the tab.

Thank you UX Anudeep for teaching me non textbook manner and making me learn lot of things just by using common sense.

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Niveditha S S
Writer for

"Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs