What is User Friendly Design
So in layman's term we can say, a design which is user friendly, easy to use, effortless and intuitive can be said as User friendly design. This design helps you to work effectively and make daily progress achievable, thus resulting in high usability and more engagement towards your goal i.e. in other words we can say it makes user’s interaction simple and efficient.
How a product becomes User Friendly Design
There are many ways to achieve it but we can focus on most important points, Useful, Usable and Desirable. Following is the explanation of these points.
Useful: A product which help user to complete the action/task. For eg: Television remote control, we use it for many purpose like volume up and down, channel change, TV on and off, etc. So it’s a Useful device.
Usable: A product which is easy to use or effortless, without getting any other distraction. The above image which we can see is Useful but not Usable since it has many options and which confuses user and gives another thinking. So we need minimum option which are mostly used and can work for other control options as well.
For eg: Smart TV remote control or AC remote, we have simple and functional device. They have minimum buttons which functions for all control.
Desirable: A product which appeals user or we can say aesthetic in nature. Mainly here it’s more on beautifying the product. So above image is appealing, attractive, useful and usable; so we can say it is a User friendly product design.
Another Example of UFD can be Apple products. They have minimal, desirable and easy to function approach.
So, you know what’s UFD, now what’s next ?
Next comes is Good design and Bad design, so I guess you can answer the question by the knowledge of UFD, but let me explain it with example,
Good Design: Comparing to old suit case where we only had handles to lift, and carry all over was tiring, but now we can just pull with less efforts and move wherever we want, since we have tires and handle which can be stretched. So we can say it is a good design example.
Bad Design: This Multi plug is giving a bad design thinking since, if we need to remove one pin or charger we need to shut everything down which is connected in it, thus we need one personalised button for every socket which can help this multi plug socket to become a good design.
We have to look design inspiration and thus think of the UFD, and then we can define it as a good design or bad design.
Now we know the terms, Good Design, Bad Design and User friendly design. Thus we might have changed the way we looked to the product giving it more design thinking approach.
Task (Optional):
Comment down your Good design and bad design example which you feel around and we can discuss around it.