Using Loaders: Understanding Their Purpose, Types, and Best Practices

Mohamed Sharaf B
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2023
by Minh Pham

In today’s fast-paced digital world, users expect web and mobile apps to provide an efficient, seamless experience. However, as developers, we often encounter situations where we have to work with heavy, resource-intensive components or APIs that may take some time to load. This is where loaders come in.

Loaders, also known as spinners, progress bars, or loading messages, are UI elements that notify users that an application is performing an action in the background. Loaders help manage user expectations by providing visual cues that indicate that the app is working on something, and that the user should wait for a few moments. In this article, we will explore the various types of loaders, their pros and cons, and when to use them in your application.

Types of Loaders


Spinners are circular animations that keep rotating to indicate the progress of the task. Spinners are simple, easy to implement, and visually appealing.

Progress Bar

by tailwinduikit

A progress bar displays a horizontal bar that fills up gradually as the task progresses. Progress bars are ideal for tasks that have a fixed duration.

Loading Message

by tubikstudio

A loading message is a simple message that appears on the screen, informing the user that the app is performing an action in the background.

The Problem with Loaders

While loaders are useful for keeping users informed about the progress of a task, they can also create a period of uncertainty for the user, as the load time is unknown. Furthermore, the use of loaders can result in a lack of user involvement, and in some cases, can even lead to frustration.

Lazy Load/Skeleton Load

by erwinhofman

Lazy loading or skeleton screens provide a better user experience as they drive user attention to progress instead of waiting time. A skeleton screen is a visual representation of the content that will eventually appear on the screen. It is usually displayed while the app is still loading. Skeleton screens are perceived as being shorter in duration when compared to a blank screen and a spinner. The use of a skeleton screen creates an illusion of short page load times in apps and on the web.

When to Use Loaders

Loaders should be used when there is a delay in loading content or performing an action, and when the user is waiting for the app to perform a task. Loaders are especially useful on high-traffic pages where resources take some time to load, such as an account dashboard, or when a component contains a good amount of information, such as a list or a card.

When Not to Use Loaders

Loaders should not be used for long-running processes, such as importing data, as this can lead to frustration for the user. Additionally, loaders should not be used for fast processes that take less than 300ms.

Pro Tip

by figma

Figma Lazy Load Plugin lets you generate skeleton loading screens in just one click. This can save you a lot of time and effort when designing UI elements for your application.


Loaders are an essential element in creating an efficient, seamless experience for your users. Understanding the different types of loaders and when to use them is critical in designing a user-friendly app. By following best practices, such as using lazy loading or skeleton screens, you can create an engaging experience that keeps your users coming back for more.

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn if you need any more information on this topic or have any other questions related to UX design or product development.



Mohamed Sharaf B
Writer for

Sharaf is a skilled UI/UX product designer and 3D game animator, renowned for creating immersive experiences.