UX Case Study: Zeri, a local multi-designer boutique website.

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5 min readJun 29, 2022

Misk academy Bootcamp, project 2, LET’S GO!

In this course challenges keep coming and as stressful and kinda consuming as it gets sometimes, this immersive bootcamp is all about learning and applying at the same time so we’d understnad all the knoewldge we’re getting and know them by heart.

The challenge was:

to design a website for a local retailer that is focused on a very specific user group and to work on the intersection of user and business need.

After a long zoom session of negotiating with my teammates (Tahani Awadh Ghadi K and Noor Al Radhi) to decide on what local business would offer a unique e-commerce experience..we finally landed on ZERI!

Zeri is a multi-designer local boutique for traditional\modern dresses and Abayas-and other amazing stuff!- that’s based in Qatif, easter province in Saudi.


We conducted two types of research: user research and business research.

User research:

We interviewed 8 users after conducting a screener survey. We mainly focused on users who have experience or interest in shopping from locally designed pieces’ boutiques.

We asked them to describe their shopping process, to tell us about their favorite or last used e-commerce website they used to shop for occasions clothing (the main type of pisces at Zeri) , we also asked them about their favorite features to take into consideration.

The we started looking for patterns!

Affinity mapping



We’ve noticed that multi-designer boutiques are often physical stores only and designers’ websites are mostly international or individual designers.

But based on users’ recommendations and our research we found us some competitors!

Direct competitors:

  • Boshea, a local multi-designer Abayas boutique based in Qatif.
  • actan, a local occasions clothing store based in Riyadh.
  • zapaka, an international fashion e-commerce.

Indirect competitors:

  • Shein
  • Namshi

we conducted a competitive analysis to tell us about related features

LEMEr’S Heuristics evaluation

Some Competators Insights:

  • Most used reviews mothed are written comments and rating stars
  • Popular contact methods are social media, email, and forms to fill.
  • Well-known websites \ and apps offer sales codes.
  • Most used features for displaying products are zoom-in-out and the ability to see multiple pictures without clicking on the product page.
  • Most features on customer services are available through social media or email, and some through a live chatbot
  • Common features on the product page are multiple pictures, a size guide, color, and a brief description on product pages.
  • Other not standard but good features on the product page are model information and approximate shipment date, designer name, and return policy.
  • Most website\apps allow two display language

so based on users’ recommendations and competitors here’s our website’s Key features:

  • Customize request
  • Size guide
  • Description about designer’s background and inspirations
  • installment payment

Female online shoppers have the problem that they don’t have online access when shopping from an in person boutiques like Zeri. Our solution should deliver a website where it is easy to shop for designed products using features that will offer them a pleasant shopping experience.

Here comes the fun part!

Navigation sitemap

User flow


mid-fi wireframe

Usability testing

the usability test on the mid-fi prototypes was conducted with

5 participants to test the main user flow on the website :

chose category — navigate to the products page-pick a product — add to cart — sign up — complete checkout.

Methodology: Unmoderated usability study

Test results:

Users found the website:

  • Easy, simple & clear to navigate through categories and buy items.

BUT need enhancement in:

  • payment methods section.
  • Shipment info section is not available.
  • In product page- product choices( size & color) was not easy to see.


Now to the real fun part AKA Mock ups!

Next steps!

  • A user flow for designers to book a space with other features
  • Chatbot for customer service
  • Add videos of products
  • Reward System in the reviews
  • More rounds of test & iteration

And that’s a wrap on project 2 !!

I’d like to thank my teammates (Tahani Awadh Ghadi K and Noor Al Radhi) and instructors (Rahaf and Nouf)!

feedback are welcome & appreciated !

