UX Case Study : Carbon Footprint Reducer 2023

Fakhri Dz
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2023

Duration : 12 Hours
My Role : UX Research, UI Design, Prototyping
Tools : Figma, Figjam

Disclaimer: This is a personal project for Design Test, I did this project myself because I believe I can complete all this research process from start to finish in a structured and measurable manner.

This app aims to encourage people to adopt a climate friendly lifestyle. This platform provides you with a learning experience tailored to the challenges of sustainable lifestyle applications and programs. I ultimately strive to enable everyone at the business, individual and community level to drive real change!


First of all, I have to learn the meaning of carbon footprint and the business model that will be applied and define the real problem from the questions given by the testers, and the user’s motivation to use it.

I started to study what a carbon footprint is. I think if the carbon dioxide problem is the biggest contributing factor to climate change, then why not educate people to learn how to know when they are emitting too much, and better yet, help them learn how to reduce it. Knowing that humans will never be carbon-free.


My goal is to design a simple app that will help individuals understand how much carbon dioxide (CO2) they emit from their daily activities. The app will also recommend ways to offset their emissions in a practical and direct way. With this, I assume more users will feel inclined to change their habits for the better.

Discovery & Research

After that, I did product research. including checking what apps or websites currently offer some (if not all) of the features appropriate to these apps themselves.

After compiling a list of possible services, I evaluated each of them.

My next step is to take an in-depth look at these competitors. My biggest question is why and when would someone want to track their carbon footprint, and what are the advantages of doing so?

For this reason, from my research on similar products, I started trying to make questions to study user habits and most importantly, I wanted to find out if they care about their carbon footprint? and thinking about what kinds of questions will make the interviewee think realistically about their carbon impact without getting contrived answers.

I have to define user groups, then design a survey to make sure I understand the users. Here are some that were asked:

1. Do you know what a carbon footprint is?

If yes, then…
2. Do you know what your carbon footprint is?

- If you know that, how do you track it? Or why don’t you track it?

- If you don’t know, do you want to know what your carbon footprint is? why and why not?

3. Once you know your carbon footprint, what will you do with it?

4. If you already know your carbon footprint, how do you make decisions to tackle your own carbon footprint?

If not, then…
2. Where would you try to find out what it was?

3. Do you want to know what your carbon footprint is? why or why not?

4. Do you think it is important to track your daily carbon footprint? why or why not?

The user group I assigned was for adults (25–54). however what I emphasize is that it is most important that the users I interview are environmentally conscious.

To find suitable users, I started doing research on this niche through Google Trends to see the most domiciles and studied the user’s initial triggers in understanding carbon footprints, so I could map them into user habits.

I started looking for target users who fit my charms to be interviewed, I started making stories on Instagram, asking for willingness to be interviewed in Discord and Telegram groups.

Of the 10 people I could interview, I wanted to make an affinity for every insight I got, but due to limited time to document it, I provided information on user pain points and my solutions as follows:

then I can only define the problem statement as follows:

As people who care about the environment, they need information to easily and interactively manage their carbon footprint, so they can follow the directions.

Moving on from there, I’ll try to make a user journey flow, as follows:


Now moving on to the prototyping phase. After outlining the user journey map and goals from my problem statement.

Calculating Carbon Footprint
Homepage, Add emission, detail project

Test Plan

Due to limited processing time, I would like to provide some of my plans for carrying out this test, as follows:

  1. I want to test the Task Success Rate for the initial simulation from registration to entering the homepage.
  2. I also want to know the starting point where a user converts into a customer by calculating User Activation from the number of users tested until the user has successfully made a tree reforestation transaction.
  3. Then I also wanted to test their involvement in consistently adding to their daily emissions.
  4. Lastly I wanted to test their subscription purchase retention, I wanted to find out what their strongest motivation was for donating


Figma files can be accessed here

This is definitely not the end of my trail, but it is the end of this sprint. I’d like to continue with more testing and iteration of this process, and see if it can pivot towards a balancing app.



Fakhri Dz

No Bullshit! Data-Driven & Data Transparancy | UX Enthusiast