UX writing challenge: Day 6

Vikas Rawat
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2023

Fire ahead!

Scenario: It’s Monday. A user has just gotten into their car to drive to work. They plug their phone into the car and start driving.

Challenge: How would you let the user know there’s a fire happening in a nearby town that is causing road closures? The effect on their commute is unknown, but there is a definite danger if the fire gets closer. How do you communicate this to them? When? Write it.

Headline: 30 characters max

Body: 45 characters max

Points to keep in mind

  1. Need to convey the urgency of the situation with attention grabbing headline.
  2. To be delivered at apt time so the user can make a well thought decision.
  3. Tone should be empathetic and informative.

What I came up with

Solution to the challenge
Popup alert
  1. Use of icon and a straightforward title to grab attention of the user.
  2. A brief explanation about the issue.
  3. Provided an alternate solution to the user, to solve their pain point.

Feel free to comment with your views on my challenge; criticism is appreciated as it will help me hone my skills 🙌🏻.

Checkout my other challenges —

Flight cancellation

App promotional screen

Login error message

Supermarket subscription

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Vikas Rawat
Writer for

Looking at the world from a different angle.