Do you know the definition of “Design”?

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2 min readJun 19, 2022
illustration for definition of Design
Design Illustration from Freepik.

Everything you can see, use and feel is a Design. The Above illustration refers to how we have defined design. This illustration is best example of what is design
So, Many of us should ask, What’s the Difference between Art and Design?


Simple, we can say, whatever we can use or function is design, and what we can’t is Art. So, “Design is a process, not ‘Art’; this can be understood more as we go more deep in Design”.
Design in an iterative process, where it is build in stages,

You can refer Miklos Philips publication here, for more detailed explanation.

So next question arises is How can these be implemented or understand in Digital World?
So a Design is a good design or bad design depends on how User friendly design it is. So you might be thinking what is User friendly design? How can we achieve that?

So let’s get started with User friendly design.

User Friendly Design:

A design which is usable, useful and Desirable can be said as user friendly design or product has Great User Experience. Eg: Coffee mug, Water bottle, Laptop, Apple Product, etc.
These product were build firstly to achieve user soltion but due to variety of user problems and iteration process, they were rebuild and thus we achieved UFD product.

Mostly company get so engage in functionality that they forget about usability, so it is important aspect to get a combination of all 3 aspects to create a better design.

Good Design princi
User friendly design

If a design is user friendly design then it can be also termed as a Great UX design, since user can complete the task easily, it appeals the user to use the product again and again. So, company tries to reiterate the process of design for achieving UFD by brainstorming user’s activity, understanding user, etc.


Art and Design may intersect or have common interest, but they are distinctly different fields. Art provokes the thoughts and emotions but Design make it functional and usable. Hence, Design in not Art.

Task (Optional):

Why not you share some of the design you love and will discuss on it. Design can be anything which you use in day-to-day life.

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