Why every business needs a visual story telling strategy

Jason Guillard
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2022
visual story telling strategy

Why do you need a visual story telling strategy?


So people will actually see your content, and get to know who you are and what exactly it is that you do.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, well it’s true.

People usually remember information better when it’s delivered in a visually appealing way.

A great visual story telling strategy will showcase your brand personality.

When it comes to marketing and branding, you want to make sure that every aspect of your company tells the same story.

A visual storytelling strategy helps you do this by creating an overarching theme for the images and videos that represent your brand.

When you have a strategy in place, you can tell a cohesive story about who you are as a business through pictures and video.

It’s a process that can be used in many different ways — from creating simple visuals and videos to crafting full-blown narratives.

And it all starts with the most important part: defining your brand.

What does your brand stand for?

What do you want to say about your company?

How do you want to say it?

What’s the tone of voice that makes sense for this message?

Once these questions have been answered, it’s time to start creating!

It increases engagement with your brand.

A visual story telling strategy is a great way to increase engagement with your brand.

Visual content has been proven to be more engaging than just text and can help you reach a wider audience.

When you share content on social media, it’s good to think about what kind of engagement you’re looking for.

Are you trying to get people to buy something or just make them laugh?

Either way, there are some basic steps that will help you create better content:

1. Have an idea

2. Find an image that reinforces the idea

3. Write a caption or headline that is compelling and relates directly back to the image you chose

4. Share it!

From the very beginning of your brand, it’s important that you have a clear vision and mission.

This helps you bring your brand to life through visual content creation.

It can strengthen your marketing message.

It’s not just about the pictures you use or how you use them, but about how you present your ideas.

Visual story telling requires you to think about what you’re trying to say and how you’re going to say it in a way that engages people — in other words, it requires that you think about your audience.

With the help of a visual story telling strategy, you can strengthen your marketing message and make it more effective.

The first step is to identify the story you want to tell. What is your audience looking for? What do they need to hear? What are their hopes, dreams, and fears?

Then, consider how the story can be told visually. What images or graphics would work well in conjunction with the words? How can you use color or texture to enhance the experience?

Once you’ve got this down, it’s time to plan out how you’re going to execute these ideas. Do you have access to a camera?

Do you have an app that allows you to take photos with your phone? Are there any stock image websites that could help out with some visuals?

It’s perfect for humanizing your brand.

It’s really easy to get caught up in the numbers and forget that at the end of the day, people are buying from people.

When you’re looking for ways to connect with your audience, it’s important to remember that there’s an emotional component that goes into every purchase.

A visual story telling strategy is a powerful way to connect with your audience because it allows you to tell stories through pictures.

You can use photos, videos, or even GIFs to help tell the story of who you are and what you do — and why it matters.

When brands use visual story telling as part of their marketing efforts, they’re able to humanize themselves in a way that makes potential customers more likely to buy from them.

It helps to make content more memorable.

A visual strategy helps to build your brand. It’s more than just an entertaining way to keep people engaged — it also helps you create a memorable experience for your customers.

A visual storytelling strategy is a great tool for brand building because it helps you tell the story of your company in a unique way.

Visual stories are easier to digest than text-heavy content, and they allow you to show off your creativity and personality.

A good strategy can help you make connections with your audience, or even create new fans who might not have found out about you otherwise.

The best part is that you don’t need a lot of money or resources in order to make this happen.

All it takes is some planning, some creativity, and some time spent on coming up with ideas for how best to showcase who you are as a company through images instead of words alone.


Visual story telling strategies have become important to the way businesses communicate, especially in the digital age.

Visual elements break up text and get your audience involved with the content.

Since it´s more dynamic and personalized, great visuals have become more popular with consumers.

Having a strong online presence filled with visual stories creates a better impression with your audience and increases engagement.

People will always be more likely to engage with a story than information alone, and that’s something we can all take advantage of.

Different types of content have different goals — infographics are great for conveying facts and data, blog posts are great for sharing your unique insights, and videos are great for telling stories.

With a well-thought-out visual story telling strategy, you can help to enhance your content marketing efforts no matter which type of content you’re creating.

When you’re ready, here are two ways I can help you…

1. Subscribe to my Newsletter, follow me on Twitter, connect with me on LinkedIn, and read my articles on Medium.

2. Work with me 1–1 to grow your online presence here.



Jason Guillard

Founder of FLASHWORLD & BlueRatio. Creator of ‘1000 Questions for Artists’—inspiring creative journeys worldwide. https://a.co/d/84Mfeie