Why should a test task when applying for a job be paid

Demir Tutnich
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2023
Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash

In recent years, there has been a growing trend among employers to require job applicants to complete test tasks as part of the application process. While these tasks can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s skills and suitability for a position, there is a growing debate around whether or not applicants should be compensated for the time and effort they put into completing these tasks. In this article, we will explore why test tasks should be paid, and the benefits of doing so for both job applicants and employers.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that test tasks can be time-consuming and require a significant amount of effort on the part of job applicants. Depending on the nature of the task, it may take hours or even days to complete, during which time the applicant may need to sacrifice their other commitments and obligations. Given the amount of effort required, it is only fair that applicants should be compensated for their time, just as they would be for any other type of work.

Secondly, paying applicants for test tasks can help to ensure that the best candidates are attracted to the position. When applicants are paid for their time, they are more likely to take the task seriously and put their best effort into completing it. This can lead to a higher quality of work and a better overall impression of the company and the position. It also ensures that the most qualified candidates are not deterred from applying due to concerns about the time and effort required to complete the task.

In addition, paying applicants for test tasks can help to promote fairness and equality in the hiring process. Without compensation, completing a test task may be more accessible to those with the financial means and time availability to do so, potentially excluding qualified candidates who cannot afford to work for free. Providing compensation can help level the playing field and ensure that all qualified candidates have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their skills and suitability for the position.

Finally, paying applicants for test tasks can help to build positive relationships between job seekers and employers. When applicants feel that their time and effort are valued and respected, they are more likely to have a positive view of the company and may be more motivated to accept an offer if one is made. This can lead to better retention rates and a more positive workplace culture overall.

While the idea of asking job applicants to complete test tasks is not inherently problematic, it is important that these tasks are paid to ensure fairness, promote equality, and attract the best candidates. Paying applicants for test tasks can also lead to better quality work, positive relationships between job seekers and employers, and a more positive workplace culture overall. As such, employers should consider offering compensation to job applicants for completing test tasks as part of the hiring process.



Demir Tutnich

Blog about startups, personal growth and web design.