Design Brief #138: Facebook tries to hide like count to fight envy, Dropbox becomes a collaborative work tool, and a proposal to treat big data as a personal property

Dawid Wozniak
Design Brief
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2019


Welcome to the 138th edition of Design Brief. This week, you can read about:

  • Andrew Yang’s proposal to treat data as a personal property,
  • Dropbox’s new spaces feature,
  • The reasoning behind hiding like counts on Facebook,
  • Common design mistakes,
  • And more!

Continue reading below. You are also more than welcome to check out the past issues.

On the news

  • Andrew Yang proposes that your digital data be considered personal property. Check it out.
  • Dropbox becomes a collaborative work tool with its new spaces feature. Read more.
  • Facebook tries hiding the Like count to fight envy. Learn why.
  • Bringing new life to Figma’s brand. Check the results.

Case study of our choice

Making Last Minute Bookings Accessible to All: A UX/UI Case Study


Lamibo is an app that focuses on offering last-minute health, fitness, and beauty appointments. It would be used by both clients looking to book services and practitioners who offer their expertise. In the case study, Jessica Adamowicz describes her team’s UX/UI goals and responsibilities and tells how they completed the project within a three-week sprint.

Side project, from data analysis to prioritization & execution. Resume Angels case study


Mateusz Tatara has been running an e-commerce store on Etsy since 2014. After an initial good start, things started to get worse. Last year his revenue started fluctuating between 27–150$ a month and traffic dropped by 82% compared to the best period. That is why he decided to do something about it and describe the whole process in his case study.

Tips and tricks

Check out some of our hand-picked tips useful in every designer’s daily work.

  • See Intercom’s fundamentals of good interaction design
  • Read what are the most common design mistakes and learn how to avoid them
  • Learn how to drive product engagement with proper in-app messages
  • Have you ever wondered why should designers care about growth? You can find the answer here.
  • Iterate less to achieve more. See how you can do it.
  • Should designers trust their intuition? You can find the answer here.
  • Check out the A-Z guide on how to launch a digital product
  • Do you want to design delightful dark themes? Learn how to do it here.
  • Take a lesson from Budi who shares what he has learned after leading the process of creating a design system for a top e-commerce company.

Open discussion

Marc Machenheimer shares his opinion on embracing imperfection in UX design. He talks about creating inhomogeneous products and not keeping all aspects in balance during the creation process. Is it easy to deal with imperfection and accept incompleteness?

Number of the week

Lloyds Banking Group saves £190,000 per project after implementing a dedicated Design System.

Hope you enjoyed this issue — the next one will appear in two weeks’ time. To get updates straight to your inbox, sign up here. Meanwhile, hit me up on Twitter, LinkedIn, or leave a comment. I’ll be happy to see what you think.

Until next time,

Dawid Woźniak



Dawid Wozniak
Design Brief

Senior Product Designer at @netguru I love good coffee, meeting new people, Tarantino movies, techno and minimalist design. I laugh a lot.