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Execute fast, then improve

A lot of designers and other roles always fall into the problem of being a perfectionist, that if it isn’t pixel-perfect then it is not ready yet to be live.

Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2019


“If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.” — Reid Hoffman

We can be to a place where we are pretty happy with the result of our product (website, app, etc) but is better get there by improving what we have released and not what we have in development.

It’s easy, we can’t be sure if the decisions that we are taking to improve the product are the best, only because we don’t have real data to prove and validate what we should do.

In order to get that data, we need real users to use our product — beyond doing user testing and all of those things of user experience for the best design, that is the right thing to do but it’s not enough to be sure.

What validates our product and give the approvement is the market — and for that, we need to be in the market.

Take advantage of new tools that let you execute fast

Nowadays there are a lot of tools that can help you to build or make something really good, for a lot of purposes. What I am going to talk about specifically is in web development.

As a web designer is common to know how to develop websites too, but make one from scratch can take a lot of time depends on the scope of the site. But is it really necessary to build one from scratch for the first version? Absolutely not, and probably we are gonna be losing time.

Tools like webflow or theme builders for WordPress like Divi, make the work completely fine and fast.

And the speed of execute is something really important for the first version.

Now is it the best option for the long run? Not sure, you will lose performance for the site because these tools are not the best in optimization.

I made with webflow in two hours, I was impacted when I saw what I did in two hours without previous experience using webflow.

Design by Andres — website made in webflow

I have some experience with how HTML and CSS work, also grid workflow like flexbox, but still doing the same thing that I did in webflow coding would have probably taken me one whole day or even more.

Look what you can improve in terms of execution speed

My example is for website development but there are a lot of tools for almost everything and that can do what you do but probably faster. It can be not the best in performance but I consider most important the time, time for you, for the project, for the business.

Are you using one tool that makes you save a lot of time? Tell me which one is.

Thanks for reading!

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Product designer, in love with digital products and how they can improve lives. Know more of my design journal at