The Hooked Model — creating a habit.

Building a habit-forming product is essential for getting to that spot of user growth in an app — where we can focus on getting new users and have a low rate of drop.

Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2019


The Hooked Model by Nir Eyal is basically a bible when we want to build habits with our product, It is a framework that we can use to define what would make that a user come back to our app.

It’s is important to know this because if we don’t know our hook, then our users neither.

So this framework has 4 stages:

1. Trigger

What will make that a user goes to our app — classified into two groups, internal and external; These are like call to actions and emotions that a user has (in the majority of cases are negative emotions like loneliness, FOMO, etc).

2. Action

What will the user do — in order to have a good action are needed to have a good motivation and that the user had the ability. This action will put the user in anticipation of a reward.

3. Reward

We need to give the user what he wants — is the reward fulfilling, yet leaves the user wanting more?

4. Investment

What things will increase the likelihood of returning? Like notifications — e.g when you send a message to someone and you receive a reply you are more open to returning to the app.

The Hooked Model Stages.

It’s important to have some of the morals here, we want to build habits so building ones that improve people’s lives are better.

With great power comes great responsibility — Uncle Ben 😅

Definitely, you should read the whole book The Hooked Model, it’s such much value information if we want to build successful products (and who doesn’t want that?) 😉

Knowing these stages will help us to design a better user experience because we will understand better the context and how impactful the key features will have in the product.

Thanks for reading! ❤️



Product designer, in love with digital products and how they can improve lives. Know more of my design journal at