Who I am and what’s this Medium publication

Hello 👋🏻 before start making content and articles here I want to give some explanation about what this space will for and why I am doing it — so lets in.

Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2019


First of all I’m Andrés González a designer specialized in UI and UX design but lastly, I’m more interested in Product Design in general, from the first business ideas plan through finish product — all that process that if you know Design Sprint you would know what I’m talking about.

I’m in deep love with the design process and how it works: Understanding the problem and who is affected by that problem for builds the right solutions.

Design solves problems.

And this should be always the right approach for designing a product.

These are my thoughts on design and how I think about the industry.

Talking about my work experience, isn’t too long, I have been working in the industry for almost 3 years and more than one of those years has been working remotely and so far I love it.

My previous works have been between websites design and web apps, but ultimately I’m crafting my skills in mobile apps design, something that I found interesting.

Now why I’m doing this

I always love writing and it’s probably my best communication skill so joining this with the design would be something interesting for me.

I’m a real believer of content is the king and attention would give you many opportunities that you can imagine — and if you don’t know that already or don’t believe it then I don’t know what else to tell you 😅

So this brand Design by Andres it’s especially for that but beyond that, I wanted to share my path as a designer, how my process of work is and what I’m learning, also share my experiences with those who are beginners — and why not experts too! 😄

“The world give to the givers and takes from the takers” — Joe Polish

One of my core principles 👆🏻

Also one of the purposes of all these things that I’m doing is for getting a full-time job as UI or Product Designer, my dream job is working at Netguru — I love so much their culture company and how they innovate for their clients ♥️

But it isn’t so easy to get a job there, so I don’t know — I will do my best 😉

So that it’s, this is Design by Andres and hope that I can bring much value to other designers.



Product designer, in love with digital products and how they can improve lives. Know more of my design journal at designbyandres.xyz