Why you should use Design Sprints?

There are a lot of frameworks to work in design that you can use and recently Design Sprint has been making noise in the last year.


First of all, having a process to work in design or almost anything is much better than working without a guide, is like you were navigating without a compass.

I have been there and the result is not so optimal, a lot of waste of time and resources to finding out that the solution you have been working doesn’t achieve the goal so you have to start again and come with another solution.

That causes frustration and makes you lose enthusiasm for the project.

Now I have used frameworks well-proven like the one from Blind “Core”, a much better result to get the goal achieved, but it can turn too long and exhausted depending too much on the project and leaders of the project participating in the sessions.

The Core is more about getting a strong foundation to build a good product that accomplishes the goals. So actually getting results can also turn too long.

A difference from Design Sprints that its main focus is to make things fast.

What is a Design Sprint?

It is basically a week session to come up with a prototype of an idea and test it.

That’s right, one week to at the end know if it’s worth it or not to make that product/feature/change instead of months building something to see if it works or if we lose the time.

With Design Sprints you don’t loose — you win or learn.

So Design Sprints are especially for validate and invalidate ideas. And can be used for everything in a lot of contexts (design, business plan, marketing, internal operations, etc) what makes it more interesting.

Design Sprint was made for Jake Knapp while he was working at Google and Google Ventures. From the time that was released 2016, Jake has been collaborating with AJ&Smart to improve this framework process.

What it comes today to convert the Design Sprint from 5 days to 4 days long, making some steps more efficient and effective.

This is called Design Sprint 2.0

So, in general, the reason that you should work with a design sprint is that you will be able to prove things in a fast and effective way, that will translate into more time to iterate and improve the work outcome into on one more useful for the users, or even save you a lot of time into building something that would not be a success.

Work with a process to make your work fast, and work with the best process make you create better things 😊



Andrés González
Design By Andres

Product designer, in love with digital products and how they can improve lives. Know more of my design journal at designbyandres.xyz