Design Club: Become a Reboot Supporter for 2021–22

Our plan to make Design Club fit for the future and more impactful — and how you can help!

Design Club
3 min readMar 20, 2021



Design Club is a social enterprise. We believe the future needs people-centred designers to make the world a better place. Our mission is to equip the next generation with design thinking as a life skill.

We ran a Founding Supporters campaign in 2018, then looked for Growth Supporters in 2019. These were hugely successful. The likes of Lloyds, Just Eat, IDEO, Marvel App and Moo supported our mission.

2020 was a tough year for everyone. We planned to run a campaign looking for Impact Supporters, but Covid pulled the rug from under us. Towards the end of the year, we won some funding from Grant for the Web to start a reboot process. We’re looking to build on that work in 2021–22.

The plan for 2021–22

We have three ambitions — and tactics to make them happen.

1. Design education for a new world

To continue to evolve Design Club so that volunteer mentors and teachers can deliver great learner experiences, both in-person and remotely.

To do this we will:

  • Build 1 x Design Club Studio using Miro (for online workshops)
  • Develop 3 x guidance resources to deliver clubs remotely (weekend, in school & after school)
  • Build 1 x design challenge generator — see below!

We’ll stay true to our values and continue to use Creative Commons licensing, for universal access.

2. Increased reach and impact

We’ve realised that children, young people and grown-ups all love our resources. We’d like to have a positive impact on more children and young adults, so we’re broadening our resources to cater for 9–19 years.

To do this we will:

  • Develop 3 x strategic partnerships — we’re partnering with Multiverse to design new content, and looking for additional opportunities
  • Support 3 x organisations to run clubs, like we did with Elsewhen
  • Help 10 x teachers to deliver in-school clubs, and let them “book a mentor”

Our new in-school clubs programme will run for the academic year starting September 2021.

3. Explore ways to become self-sustaining

Since day one, we’ve been experimenting with ways to become a self-sustaining social enterprise. This year, we will:

  • Improve our shop and add 1 x new merchandise range
  • Run 1 x campaign encouraging signups to Coil (Web Monetization) — building on our Grant for the Web work
  • Deliver 2 x design thinking training for corporate teams
Work-in-progress “design challenge generator” 🔀

What we need

We’re looking for 10 wonderful organisations to become Reboot Supporters, contributing £750 each to back our 2021–22 plan. We love to work with organisations who strive for social impact and share our mission.

What you get

Here’s everything our Reboot Supporters get:

  • Your logo on our Supporters page
  • Your logo on posters in the virtual Design Club Studio — being built in Miro
  • Regular progress updates on our Medium blog
  • Invites to a Supporters party (either IRL, online, or blended)
  • A talk from us to your team — think Show & Tell or Lunch & Learn
  • A warm glow for helping a very good cause

Have a question?

We hope you’re as passionate as we are about supporting design education in an adapted world, and believe in our plan to make Design Club fit for the future and impactful.

Interested in becoming a Reboot Supporter?

📨 Pop an email to Noam or Jemima.

🌐 See our Supporters page.


