Introducing Coil: A new way to support Design Club

Who fancies trying Coil? We have some free codes to give away — just email :)

Design Club
3 min readNov 1, 2021


Why Design Club exists

We exist to nurture empathy, collaboration and problem-solving skills in children. This happens through our community of volunteer mentors, running free design activities in schools and weekend clubs.

We want our resources to remain free forever, so that Design Club is accessible to all. Materials are published under a Creative Commons license, so we need to find other ways of becoming sustainable.

This is where Coil comes in.

What is Coil?

Coil is built on top of a new, open technology called Web Monetisation. Web Monetisation helps create a fairer and kinder web because it’s not based on advertising or collecting (and selling) personal data.

Coil sends micropayments to creators for every second that subscribers enjoy their content.

Instead, Coil uses a subscription model. Coil members currently pay $5 a month. When a Coil member browses our site (and other Coil-enabled sites), Design Club gets micropayments.

We’re a non-profit and social enterprise, so every little helps. All funds we receive go right back into developing content and supporting volunteers to run more Design Clubs.

Who fancies trying Coil?

We have some free codes for anyone who wants to give Coil a try for a month.

📨 Email us for a free code

Coil-enabled sites for designer-y people!

  • A List Apart — blog on website design and development
  • Pattern Lab — helps you build, view, test and showcase UI components
  • Prototypr — all things prototyping, design, wireframing etc
  • Puma — mobile browser (ad-free for Coil members)
  • Tink — inclusive design blog by Leonie Watson
  • Zeldman — blog on web and interaction design by Jeffrey Zeldman
Screenshots of Coil-enabled sites for designer-y people!

For those that are interested

There are loads more Coil-enabled sites here and here :)

Thanks to

Jemima Gibbons for co-writing this post!


