Intall SVG-Sprite

nana ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
Design & Code Repository
2 min readMar 20, 2017

Step 1. Install SVG Sprite

in the Terminal(iTerm)

npm install --save-dev gulp-svg-sprite

Step 2. Configuration in the bolierplate

Root: Hello>lib>tasks>build.js

Step 3. Create svg-sprite folder

Root: Hello>source>svg-sprite

4.Prepare SVG icons

SVGOMG: Check below two things for the more clean code.

  • *Set the path colour in black

Step 5. Add SVG Icons

Root: Hello>source>svg-sprite>icon_name.svg

  1. Open the icon_name.svg and delete width and height value.
SVG file

2. Edit change the file name.

HTML markup

Step 6. Reset icon: recommended properties

Reference link

