Rails Asset Pipeline Simple Guide

Tim Cheung
Design & Code
Published in
6 min readNov 24, 2015


Using Rails is full of magic. Asset pipeline is one of the magical features from Rails. But, it’s always let user confused and not sure how it work. This guide aims to provide the simple way to explain how asset pipeline works and how you can using it with your Rails application.

4 Purposes for using Asset Pipeline

1. Precompile

It is precompiled CoffeeScript to Javascript and SASS to CSS Stylesheet.

2. Concatenate

It’s concatenated multiple javascript files to application.js and concatenate multiple stylesheet files to application.css. This process will help to reduce the numbers of http request and speed up the page loading.

3. Minify

It’s minified both javascript and stylesheet files by removing whitespace and comments. This process will help to reduce the size of assets and speed up the page loading as well.

4. Fingerprinting

For each file update, a new hash string will be appended at the end of each asset file name. This process can force the browser to request the new updated files and eliminate browser caching the old asset issue.

Asset Paths

Before asset pipeline starts to precompile your asset files, it will look for following default asset load paths to find those files.


This folder should contain all your application related assets such as javascripts, stylesheets, images, fonts and so on. All assets not included javascripts and stylesheets will automatically add in asset precompile. So to simplify your assets management, I highly recommend you to put all assets in this folder.


If you have your own libraries’ assets which shared across multiple applications, you can put those assets in this folder. Beware those assets will not be automatically included in asset precompile.


For third party assets not owned by you. You can put those assets in this folder. Beware those assets will not be automatically included in asset precompile.

Usually, the assets folders structure will be organised as following structure:

The first subfolder often arranged as asset file type. However, you are not restricted to organised your asset in this way. You can use any folder name for this first subfolder. For example, you can name the folder like app/assets/abc and put your asset either fonts, images, javascripts and stylesheets inside this folder.

Asset pipeline will ignore these first subfolders and directly go inside these folders for searching the asset files.

Beware video file type may not be suitable for using asset pipeline. You need to put the video files in public/videos to bypass the asset pipeline.

How asset pipeline precompile work?

You can manually start asset pipeline precompile by executing the following command:

bundle exec rake assets:precompile

After that, all asset files will be precompiled and stored in public/assets/ folder.

However, you may wonder how asset pipeline know which asset files should precompile?

There are two methods to let asset pipeline know which assets need to include for precompiling.

1. Manifest files


This manifest file tells asset pipeline which css or scss files should be required or included for precompiling.


This manifest file tells asset pipeline which js or coffee files should be required or included for precompiling.


We use directive with asset path argument to define which asset files should be required or included for precompiling.

  • require [path] — inserts the contents of the asset source file specified by path. If the file is required multiple times, it will appear in the bundle only once.
  • include [path] — works like require, but inserts the contents of the specified source file even if it has already been included or required.
  • require_directory [path] — requires all source files of the same format in the directory specified by path. Files are required in the alphabetical order.
  • require_tree [path] — works like require_directory, but operates recursively to require all files in all subdirectories of the directory specified by path.
  • require_self — tells Sprockets to insert the body of the current source file before any subsequent require or include directives.
  • depend_on [path] — declares a dependency on the given path without including it in the bundle. This is useful when you need to expire an asset’s cache in response to a change in another file.
  • depend_on_asset [path] — works like depend_on, but operates recursively reading the file and following the directives found.
  • stub [path] — allows dependency to be excluded from the asset bundle. The path must be a valid asset and may or may not already be part of the bundle. Once stubbed, it is blacklisted and can’t be brought back by any other require.

2. Assets initializer config file

This config file is located at config/initializers/assets.rb.

To add additional asset files for precompiling, uncomment the following line and add the asset file name in the array:

Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( search.js )

Use cases

So, you may wonder this method is suitable for which cases?

  1. For instance, if you have javascript or stylesheet files which didn’t specify from manifest files, and you want to add those asset files to asset pipeline. Then you will need to add it in assets initializer config file.
  2. Another case, if you have non-JS/CSS files which didn’t store under app/assets/ folder, and you want to add those asset files to asset pipeline. Then you will need to add it in assets initializer config file as well.


After asset files have precompiled, it will be stored in public/assets/ folder. You can use multiple helper methods to access the files.

Helper methods for ERB file

asset_path(“application.js”) # => /assets/application.jsasset_url(“application.js”)  # => http://example.com/assets/application.jsaudio_path("horse.wav")      # => /audios/horse.wavaudio_tag("sound”)           # => <audio src="/audios/sound">font_path("font.ttf")        # => /fonts/font.ttfimage_path("edit.png")       # => "/assets/edit.png"image_tag("icon.png")        # => <img src="/assets/icon.png" alt="Icon" data-no-retina="true">video_path("hd.avi")         # => /videos/hd.avivideo_tag("trailer.ogg")     # => <video src="/videos/trailer.ogg"></video></audio>

Helper methods for SASS file

asset-data-uri("image.jpg”)             # => url(data:image/jpeg;base64,...)asset-path("image.jpg")                 # => /assets/image.jpgasset-path("image.jpg", $digest: true)  # => /assets/image-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.jpgasset-url("image.jpg")                  # => url("/assets/image.jpg")asset-url("image.jpg", $digest: true)   # => url("/assets/image-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.jpg")font-path("font.ttf")                   # => /assets/font.ttffont-path("font.ttf", $digest: true)    # => /assets/font-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.ttffont-url("font.ttf")                    # => url("/assets/font.ttf")font-url("image.jpg", $digest: true)    # => url("/assets/font-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.ttf")image-path("image.jpg")                 # => /assets/image.jpgimage-path("image.jpg", $digest: true)  # => /assets/image-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.jpgimage-url("image.jpg")                  # => url("/assets/image.jpg")image-url("image.jpg", $digest: true)   # => url("/assets/image-27a8f1f96afd8d4c67a59eb9447f45bd.jpg")

Further Reading


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Struggle on building frontend components and integrate to Ruby on Rails? Be sure to check out UiReady — Bootstrap theme marketplaces dedicated for Rails developers.



Tim Cheung
Design & Code

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