Design in the school Classrooms : Applying design tools to improve the quality of education

Kshitiz Anand
Design & Education in India
2 min readJan 9, 2015


This is the paper that I presented at the International Conference on Research in Design 2015, held at IISc, Bangalore, January 7–9th. The paper deals with my experiences with Design Thinking and how we are using that in the work at the Happy Horizons Trust, to improve the quality of education through various activities and projects.

The paper was co-authored by one of my student Jean Haag, a final year Transcultural Design student at L’école de design Nantes Atlantique, India Studio.

Drop me a note if you are interested in reading the entire paper, and I will have that mailed across to you.

Abstract of the paper :
For Design to change from its elitist image, there is a need to implant the value of design from a young age, because design is not just elite. The impression of Design to be a tool for Problem Solving (in its analytical, rational and intuitive thinking) is of most importance. There can be no better place to inculcate the values of Design than in the schools. Fundamentals of Design, when integrated with the pedagogy, can result in better forms of learning and a shift from the traditional forms of rote learning. Tools like Visual minutes, understanding typography, design thinking patterns, critical analysis, gamification, etc can result in a better way of problem solving and hence learning. We applied these through different activities held in schools across India and across different demography and take inspiration from the findings of these to present in this paper. In the end the paper proposes tools from the world of design that can and should be adapted to the activities done in the schools, in order to present a better learning environment and quality.

Would love to hear more of your comments and suggestions on how we can take this further.



Kshitiz Anand
Design & Education in India

ex- AVP Design @Paytm, Chairman @HappyHorizons. Write on Design. Education. Healthcare. Financial Inclusion. Wipro Seeding & TFIx Fellow. IITG & Indiana Univ.