Earbuds That Fit Your Unique Ear Shape with Michael Roy

What if your earphones could adapt to your ear to provide the best sound experience ever?

Federico Francioni
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2020


Artist like the #Eagles, #BenHarper and #LadyGaga use special earbuds by Ultimate Ears that are customized to their ears. Today you can get the same experience with the UE Fits, whose tips mold to the unique contours of your ears.
This awesomeness has been created by this Logitech spinoff, and we discussed the fascinating creative process and product development with Michael Roy.

I don’t know if this is just the industrial designer and me as I want it to be smaller like what is the tiniest Ican get but with acoustics you run into this balance of driver versus size, it’s a really big deal

Another thing that that that’s always interested me…



Federico Francioni

Head of Digital Ecosystem at Meta ∞ Striving to envision, design & deliver outstanding experiences for all kinds of users 🔮