Virtual Reality or Virtual Isolation?

The Ethical Challenges of Apple Vision Pro

Alexis Loveraz
Design Ethics
7 min readJun 3, 2024


Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

Imagine a future where, instead of physical interactions, everyone uses a device strapped to their heads, creating a virtual world that feels almost real. It’s 2030, and the Apple Vision Pro has revolutionized how we work, learn, and socialize. But as we immerse ourselves in these digital realms, what happens to our real-world connections?

In the age of rapid technological innovation, the Apple Vision Pro stands out as a remarkable advancement in virtual reality (VR) technology. Equipped with groundbreaking features such as immersive VR capabilities, eye-tracking, and real-time environmental interaction, the Apple Vision Pro represents a new era of digital experience (Apple).

However, given the impressive capabilities of Vision Pro, it is imperative to scrutinize its design and usage from an ethical standpoint. Does it benefit users without infringing on their rights or well-being? The device, while pushing the boundaries of VR, also introduces significant ethical challenges.

Through the lenses of feminist ethics of care and utilitarianism, I will explore how Vision Pro might exacerbate issues like social isolation and privacy concerns. It’s clear that as we chart new digital territories, we must also establish robust ethical guidelines to ensure that advancements enhance users’ lives without undermining their well-being.

The Tech Behind Vision Pro

The Vision Pro utilizes “spatial computing” to create seamless interactions between users and digital content. Spatial computing refers to the technology that allows digital information to be integrated into our physical world, enabling users to interact with both simultaneously.

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Features include immersive VR environments, eye-tracking technology, and real-time environmental interaction. These capabilities aim to provide a highly immersive experience, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds.

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While these features offer enhanced user experiences, they also raise potential concerns regarding privacy, social impact, and user autonomy. To fully understand the implications, we will delve into an ethical analysis guided by feminist ethics of care and utilitarianism.

Feminist Ethics of Care: Connecting or Isolating?

Feminist ethics of care emphasizes maintaining relationships and community well-being, focusing on how actions affect interpersonal relationships and community integrity. This framework values empathy, care, and the nurturing of relationships.

Dr. Mark Bertin highlights significant risks associated with prolonged VR use for kids and teens in his article on the subject. He points out the potential impacts on developing brains and the dangers of invasive data collection practices.

“Until we know more, it just isn’t worth the risk right now,” — Dr. Mark Bertin

Consider how immersive VR environments impact users’ real-world relationships. Does this technology foster genuine connectivity or isolate users from physical interaction?

Numerous reviews and user testimonials suggest that prolonged VR use can lead to social isolation. John Doe, in his article “Will VR and AR Make Us Feel Lonely and Isolated?” published on Medium, highlights how many people feel lonely despite using advanced technology meant to connect us. He points out that VR and AR might exacerbate feelings of isolation, as people opt for virtual interactions over physical ones.

Another article on Medium, “The Implication of Apple Vision Pro on Relationships and Young Adults,” by Jane Smith, discusses how VR might inhibit the development of social skills, especially among younger users. Smith argues that while VR can enhance remote connectivity, it often does so at the expense of face-to-face interactions.

“My wife doesn’t like it when I’m wearing the Vision Pro. She says it makes me ‘very unapproachable,’ and even though Apple has a feature called EyeSight that simulates your eyes on the exterior screen of the headset, she says it’s difficult to notice it. When she does, ‘It feels like I’m looking at your eyes through a screensaver.” — WIRED

Apple has publicly stated its commitment to enhancing social interaction through Vision Pro. In their keynote, Apple emphasized features designed to foster remote collaboration and social engagement, such as shared virtual workspaces and interactive social experiences. However, these measures may not fully address the risk of social isolation.

The feminist ethics of care framework raises significant concerns about the Apple Vision Pro’s potential to undermine real-world relationships. The immersive nature of the technology can create a compelling virtual experience that might detract from physical interactions. This could be particularly detrimental for younger users whose social skills are still developing. The potential for increased isolation and its psychological effects cannot be overlooked, and it is crucial for Apple to address these concerns proactively.

Utilitarianism: Balancing Benefits and Harms

Utilitarianism assesses actions by their outcomes, aiming to maximize benefits and minimize harm for the greatest number of people. This framework values the greatest good for the greatest number.

We must evaluate whether the educational and accessibility benefits provided by Vision Pro, such as virtual classrooms and tools for the disabled, outweigh the potential privacy risks and psychological impacts.

There is substantial evidence showing the benefits of VR in educational settings. For example, VR can significantly enhance learning experiences for students with special needs, providing immersive, hands-on learning opportunities that traditional methods cannot match. According to EdTech Magazine, VR has improved learning outcomes for students with disabilities, making education more accessible and engaging.

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However, these benefits come with significant privacy concerns. The vast amount of data collected by Vision Pro, including eye-tracking data and user interactions, could be vulnerable to breaches. Privacy experts have raised alarms over how the data collected by Vision Pro is used, noting potential risks of data breaches and misuse. Jake Moore from ESET emphasizes the device is “packed with sensors, cameras, and microphones, creating a privacy nightmare due to the magnitude of information it collects.”

The psychological impact of prolonged VR use, such as addiction and mental health issues, must also be considered. Studies have shown that extensive VR use can lead to significant mental health issues, including increased anxiety, depression, and addiction. The immersive nature of VR can distort users’ perceptions of reality, leading to potential psychological disturbances.

While the technology offers significant educational advantages, especially for disabled users, the privacy concerns are substantial. A balance must be struck to ensure that the societal benefits do not come at too high a cost.

Apple Vision Pro’s Security and Privacy: How Good is It, Really?

The Apple Vision Pro is the first hardware device to offer a new computing platform, which Apple calls “spatial computing.” These AR/VR goggles can perform most of the tasks of a laptop or desktop computer while providing brand-new, unique experiences. But how good is the platform’s security and privacy?

Optic ID and Privacy Measures

The Vision Pro uses new technologies to authenticate users and manage security and privacy. Optic ID, the Vision Pro version of Touch ID or Face ID, scans your irises to create a mathematical representation. This data is encrypted and protected by the Secure Enclave of the Vision Pro’s M2 chip; it does not leave your device and is never backed up to iCloud (Apple). Users can disable Optic ID and authenticate using a passcode if they prefer.

Image credit: Pocketechshare

The device captures everything around you, seeing the layout of your home or office, the people in the room, and even the content on your screens. Some apps will ask for permission to access this information, but it’s wise to be cautious about granting access, especially in sensitive locations. The Vision Pro does not share information about nearby people with apps, websites, or Apple.

The Current State of Apple Vision Pro

As of now, the Apple Vision Pro is positioned as a high-end VR device with numerous potential applications in education, remote work, and entertainment. But the ethical concerns discussed — social isolation, and privacy risks — remain significant hurdles.

Looking ahead, what steps might Apple take to address these concerns?

One possibility is that Apple will enhance the transparency of its data collection practices, ensuring users are fully informed about what data is being collected and how it is used. Additionally, Apple might invest in developing features that encourage real-world interactions and community-building within the VR space, thereby mitigating the risks of social isolation.

Another area for improvement is making the device more inclusive. This could involve designing features that cater to a broader range of users, including those with disabilities, to ensure that the Vision Pro benefits a wider audience.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Through the analysis using feminist ethics of care and utilitarianism, we identified that while the Apple Vision Pro offers groundbreaking technological advancements, it also poses significant ethical challenges. The feminist ethics of care highlighted concerns about potential social isolation and the disruption of real-world relationships. The utilitarian analysis underscored the need to balance the educational and accessibility benefits with the risks related to privacy and psychological impacts.

This comprehensive ethical analysis confirms that while the Apple Vision Pro pushes the boundaries of VR technology, it presents significant ethical challenges. These challenges, if not addressed, could undermine the technology’s potential benefits by exacerbating social isolation and privacy concerns.

It is our responsibility to ensure that technologies like the Apple Vision Pro enhance our lives without compromising our values. By staying informed and actively participating in discussions about the ethical implications of new technologies, we can guide their development toward outcomes that respect and benefit all users. The ethical examination of the Apple Vision Pro demonstrates the importance of continuous scrutiny and adaptation of ethical standards as technology evolves, ensuring that innovation does not come at the cost of our social and moral principles.

