Collaboration: Save the Last Word for Me

A flexible teacher discussion protocol that facilitates deeper conversations about complex topics such as instructional initiatives, new teaching practices, and student work.

Daniel Jhin Yoo
Design for Action
2 min readApr 11, 2018


What is it?

  • A teacher discussion protocol that is best done is groups of 3.
  • Opening: instructional coach presents a question (e.g. What 2 words best describe your experience using the new curriculum?).
  • Preparation: teachers silently and independently write their response on the front of an index card and their reasoning on the back.
  • Discussion Step #1: The first group member shares what is on the front of their index card with the group.
  • Discussion Step #2: The other group members discuss their reaction to the first group member’s response.
  • Discussion Step #3: The first group member gets the last word, by then sharing their own reasoning from the back of their index card.
  • Conclusion: Groups share out where they had similarities and differences.

When to use this?

  • Drive teacher conversations and collaboration on an important topic (e.g. a new school-wide instructional initiative).
  • Ensure that teacher voice has an opportunity to be heard and validated around an important topic.

How as this DESIGNED for ACTION?

In case you missed it, check out our post on The 4 Principles of Designing Actionable Professional Development.

Principle 1: Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction.

  • Provides teachers an opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with other teachers, coaches, and administrators.
  • Information from the discussion can be incorporated into shaping the topic and future professional development around it.

Principle 3: Adults are most interested in learning subjects that have immediate relevance and impact to their job or personal life.

  • Gives teachers space to explore an important question/topic that is impacting themselves and their colleagues.

Get the resources!

The following resources are available for download from our Google Drive folder

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Daniel Jhin Yoo
Design for Action

Former software developer, special education teacher, and district administrator. Building @goalbookapp to empower educators.