Anchored Sleep: Storyboard and Wireflow

Christine Chen
Design for Behavior Change
2 min readFeb 23, 2021

From our intervention studies and brainstorm sessions, we’ve come up with the following prototype idea: Anchored Sleep. Anchored Sleep is an app which allows users to manage their night time routines in order to go to bed on time as well as achieve other personal goals. See the following storyboard on how Anchored Sleep would work for our typical user: a college student.

Storyboard for Anchored Sleep

There can be many factors which cause low-quality sleep. However it would be impossible for us to create a solution that tries to tackle every possible factor out there. Thus, Anchored Sleep will focus on targeting two factors:

  • Lack of time management or time awareness during the evenings.
  • Lack of wind-down to become relaxed in bed.
Wireflow for Anchored Sleep

From the intervention study, it was clear that context prompts in the form of notifications were easily seen as annoying by users. So, with that in mind, Anchored Sleep will first rely on personal prompts (the user’s memory) to remember their anchors and new habits. They will input the time they will typically have completed the anchor by and only if the user has not indicated that they completed the anchor and habit, will a context prompt notification be utilized to remind them to do it.

To ensure that the user will remember to indicate that they completed the anchor and habit, we will associate a timer with each habit so that they will use the timer within the app to “complete their new habits”. If there is only one task left after a certain time in the evening (ex: 11 pm), the app will automatically tack a “go to sleep” indicator after the timer has completed to urge the user to go to bed.

The main questions that we want to address with Anchored Sleep are:

  • Can we build a “sleep prioritization” mindset in students by nudging this prioritization through their regular schedule and new wind-down habits?
  • Are we able to use a combination of personal and context prompts to motivate behavior change?

