from my sketchbook

CS247B Syllabus

Christina Wodtke
Design for Behavior Change
8 min readJan 10, 2021


CS247B Design for Behavior Change

Instructor: Christina Wodtke

CS247 Series Description

The CS247 series of classes are project-based courses that build on the introduction to design in CS147 by focusing on advanced methods and tools for research, prototyping, and user interface design. CS247 classes use a studio-based format with intensive coaching and iteration to prepare students for tackling real world design problems. This class will be synchronous sections for active and peer learning, with virtual “office hours” held on Slack, Zoom and in discussion forums.

CS247B Description:

Over the last decade, tech companies have invested in shaping user behavior, sometimes for altruistic reasons like helping people change bad habits into good ones, and sometimes for financial reasons such as increasing engagement. In this project-based hands-on course, students explore the design of systems, information and interface for human use. We will model the flow of interactions, data and context, and craft a design that is useful, appropriate and robust. Students will design and prototype utility apps or games as a response to the challenges presented. We will also examine the ethical consequences of design decisions and explore current issues arising from unintended consequences.

