Measuring Me, Take 2

Design for Behavior Change
2 min readJan 12, 2022

When I logged my day for our first Measuring Me, I noticed that I was spending too much time playing video games and not enough time getting exercise. I aimed to be more active in my daily routine, since exercising took a relatively small amount of time every day.

I’d like to believe I was successful, but I noticed there were many things that inhibited me from exercise. Below I made a fishbone chart, where you can see all my assorted excuses.

Fishbone chart — “Why am I not getting enough exercise?”

It was mostly laziness that was stopping me. It’s so much more convenient to just stay in bed, especially when it’s cold outside and, well, I can always just exercise tomorrow. But tomorrow becomes never, mostly because of inconvenience and a lack of urgency.

I also made the following connection circle diagram, which I found enlightening. Something I discovered through this model and not the fishbone diagram was that I overthink — a lot. I find myself obsessing over what the “right” amount of exercise is, since I am all alone in my gym/exercise journey and have so much conflicting advice from the internet. This most definitely contributes to the stress that comes along with exercise, which leads me to the less stressful pattern of sticking with my couch potato routine.

Connection circle — “All roads lead to guilt (and video games)”

What I have learned the most from this activity is that there are always 1,000 reasons not to do something. I should follow in Shia Labeouf’s footsteps and JUST DO IT! without giving myself the chance to overthink. If I have 20–30 minutes to spare in my schedule, I should get active immediately, which will be better for my overall health.

