Receipt redesign concept

Dovile Janule
Design for problem solving
3 min readSep 10, 2016

How to tackle obesity problem (Shop receipt redesign concept)

There’s so much hustle right now on how to take care of yourself, what to eat and in general how to live healthy. I do think, it is so important. Especially, when we sit all day long in front of computers barely moving.

Never ending struggle

But I have to agree, I’ve been struggling with the methods for so long now. I would subscribe to an app that would recommend me what to cook, I would find recipes online and try to follow them, I would go to do my shopping and I would read all the nutrition facts about the products that I tend to buy. It takes so much effort. Living healthy is not easy I would say.

Every single day you’re tempted to go to that coffee shop just around the corner and have that delicious cake that you adore so much. Coming back home after the full day of work you feel so tired that you loose your energy to try harder and just grab a snack.

I can’t count the time I’ve tried living healthier, but falling back to my old habits and letting laziness to take over. It’s just not easy.

Recently I came back from a work trip and had to file a lot of expenses. So I spend a lot of time shuffling thought the shop and restaurant receipts. First of all how confusing and how different they all are! So difficult to find dates, times and taxes as they all look so messy. But that’s for another time.

An idea came to my mind.

The idea

What if the educational process about how to be healthy came way earlier in the process? Instead of a person reaching out to this information it could be given by the supermarkets. Coming to the base of in all, when one buys stuff to make the food that they’re going to eat later.

So I started looking at the items I’ve bought and wondered what if all of these items that I have purchased could be grouped by the category of nutrition values.

And what if there was a way to identify in a really simple way if the purchase was to a healthier side or not.

Supermarkets have so much data about their customers and a lot about their products they sell. I believe they would have a power to influence the direction if they want to.

It could be so simple to educate people just by grouping the products that are high in saturated fats or high in sugars. And maybe even a feeling of being a bit embarrassed about the purchases would encourage to buy a bit more healthier.

I’ve decided to explore some options and here’s the result of the thinking.

Final designs

Healthy option
Average option
Unhealthy option
Shop receipt redesign concept

Obviously there might be a problem with printing the receipts in colour, but I think this works quite well with only black and white.

Shop receipt redesign concept (Black & white)

This would be a big start to an easier decision making process when doing daily shopping.

