Unsatisfying UX

Dovile Janule
Design for problem solving
2 min readJan 15, 2017

Nearly every one of us who ever used a computer has had one of these unsatisfying moments when a user interface failed us, made us stressed, was misleading or just was not good enough. Now more than ever we designers, need to be focusing on: providing good user experience, fighting for the user and being a voice of a user in the world of SAAS.

Especially in recent years when we need to have a website to keep track of all the new applications coming out every single day, the importance of user-centric design is undeniable.

And honestly, there are so many different ways to approach UX research. So I decided to run a little research with a hope to learn something from the fellow UX designers. I think there are so many good and so many bad ways to approach UX research.

I put together this promo (which I thought was quite hilarious, but it might just be me 😜)

Unsatisfying UX

UX research survey

I am reaching out to the UX community with a request to spend few minutes of your time and answers a few quick questions. I will definitely document and share my findings. Here is the quick survey:

Typeform survey: https://dovilejanule.typeform.com/to/q5sHmP

Survey consists of few questions such as:

  • Which tools do you use to run your UX research?
  • What is you UX research process?
  • How do you keep track of your research data?
  • The most difficult / the most annoying part of the UX research process?

[Link to survey https://dovilejanule.typeform.com/to/q5sHmP]

P.S. If you do feel really passionate about UX, please let me know I would love to keep in touch 😊.

