Mapping the Postmates Partner Experience

Lisa Otto
Design for Service
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2016

Project by Gina Huang, Lisa Otto, Courtney Pozzi, Brian Yang

We were looking at particular stakeholders in the Postmates service experience to break apart the interactions and value exchanges. We diagrammed the experience from the partner (the stores supplying the goods Postmates picks up and delivers) perspective. We noticed in particular that while part of the stated value proposition of Postmates was to increase the reach of the partner’s customer base, it created a divide in the values being transferred. Once Postmates entered the equation, value was transferred through the company rather than directly between the partner and the customer. In the Journey map, we noted how the experience could be quite different for an unofficial partner than for a official partner of Postmates.

Process Photos

We started by brainstorming on the problem issue definition — which the framework made straightforward. But this also set us up to begin to think about the values being transferred.

Problem/Proposition Definition Brainstorming

We started mapping stakeholders and, when we reconvened, we were able to start brainstorming value flows around the stakeholders we had already framed.

Stakeholders Brainstorm
Stakeholders and Value Flows Brainstorm

Then we started exploring the customer journey map, envisioning the partners as the customers. We broke the partners into unofficial partner and official partner so we could track how those experience would differ even if many of the touchpoints were the same (or similar).

Journey Map Brainstorm



Lisa Otto
Design for Service

MDes in Interaction Design Candidate at CMU. portfolio: