You are a designer, believe me!

Emi Horcada
Design Globant
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2018


Maybe you think of your self as a crafty designer, and you probably are, but maybe you think of yourself as a functional systematic logical thinker, and design is not for you, well my friend, I’m here to give you some weird news… you have always been a designer.

The most simple and raw definition of design, and my favourite, is:

“the organisation of element with a purpose”

Design, at it’s core, is putting elements in place to make some impact or effect in something else. You do this all the time, like when you put your toaster next to your coffee maker because that is more usable for you, or when you put that photo of your niece on your desk because it makes you smile. You even do this when you plan your trip and make the best out of the activities and places you want to go.

In all this scenarios you are designing.

Of course some people love organising other kinds of elements. some people like to organise colours with a purpose, they know how to put this and this color together and get a particular reaction. Other people like to organise information to help you read an article in a more efficient way, and others even enjoy organising what we call interactions (the way you interact with other devices).

These are different types of design, and they are all relevant and important to our daily life.

The sooner you realise that you are part of this wonderful world of design, the better. Even if you think of your self as color blind, and emotionless that is ok!, you are still a designer. When you see this you’ll be able to make the most out of your “organisation” skills, and also, you’ll be able to see what other type of “designers” you need to work with to make the best out of your goal (or purpose).

And also, if you are a colourful designer that shoots rainbows out of your eyes (careful there), it is good for you to understand that rainbow shooting designers are not the only ones we need, and that your job is to find other designer to make the most relevant and satisfying experience ever!

Understand that creativity is curiosity in action, and that by exploring what makes you curious you are exercising your creativity. Put some action into that curiosity, produce something, experiment, build something new, not something perfect, just something new, and that exercise of curiosity will make you more and more creative.

Embrace your design-fulness and organise the element around you with purpose!



Emi Horcada
Design Globant

There is something very purposeful about designing a sustainable and relevant solution. Head of Design at Globant.