Announcing our 2023 IBM Design Principals

IBM Design
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2023
A purple illustration for IBM Design Principals

On behalf of the IBM Design Leadership Board, it is with tremendous enthusiasm that I announce our newly appointed 2023 Design Principals. These professionals are exemplars of design practice, craft, and leadership, and they are an integral part of IBM’s industry-leading design program.

At IBM Design, we have thousands of designers embedded in every part of the business with a mission to deliver pervasive excellence across all products, services, and customer experiences. Our new Design Principals will be leaders in this mission. They will bring their perspectives, technical and domain expertise, and leadership to shape innovation that is human-centered, produces positive business results, and differentiates IBM in the market.

Design Principals

These are IBM’s 2023 Design Principals:

  • Ruchi Batra, IBM Consulting
  • Lauren Brewer, IBM Consulting
  • Gaby Moreno Cesar, IBM Cloud
  • Mia Chubarova, IBM Marketing
  • Anthony Cocuzza, IBM Z
  • Jimmy Dyer, IBM Security
  • Austin Edwards, IBM Cloud
  • Ana Fucs, IBM Research
  • Andrea Goebel, IBM Consulting
  • Kim Holmes, IBM CIO
  • Josh Kimmell, IBM Security
  • Dan Laughlin, IBM Consulting
  • Kathe Lisson, IBM Consulting
  • Carrie Lloyd, IBM Automation
  • Milena Pribic, IBM Data & AI
  • Theresa Ramsey, IBM Z
  • Tom Roach, IBM Data & AI
  • Diana Stanciulescu, IBM Marketing
  • Stephanie Stobart, IBM Consulting
  • Michael Tam, IBM Consulting

We congratulate our new Design Principals on this significant achievement and we eagerly anticipate their impact on their organizations, business units, the IBM Design community, and beyond.

This cohort of Design Principals embodies our focus on design excellence and reflects the spectrum of design leaders across IBM. It also includes the first Design Principal appointments in India, Romania, and Hong Kong. With this announcement, we have a total of 73 Design Principals at IBM, who along with our Distinguished Designers, comprise a community of 91 senior technical design practice leaders.

Please join me in congratulating our newest IBM Design Principals!

Design Principal
Design Principal is the highest non-executive technical role in the IBM designer career framework. They are top technical practitioners who take on leadership positions to fulfill specific missions in their business unit. Their roles involve the advancement of design through scalable and reusable artifacts, thought leadership and intellectual property, and driving their organization’s utilization of design and design thinking. Design Principals also contribute to developing IBM’s design practices, initiatives, technical vitality, and reputation both internal and external to the company.

Design Leadership Board
Comprised of the company’s technical and managerial design executives, the Design Leadership Board receives an extensive application form, a portfolio of work, and executive references for each candidate and then goes through a meticulous and thorough review process to determine which candidates meet the high bar of being appointed IBM Design Principal.

Shani Sandy is VP, Design Leadership, Education, and Culture and is responsible for IBM’s global design leadership, learning experiences, external engagement, and academic programs.

The above article is personal and does not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies, or opinions.



IBM Design

Designing Forward. Artist + Designer + Leader. Design Executive @IBM .