The Discipline of Innovation

Julia Blyumen
IBM Design
Published in
7 min readFeb 28, 2023

“reality is an ongoing accomplishment that emerges from efforts to create order” — Karl Weick

A chart outlining humans and their conditions

Growing up, I had the fortune to study math alongside design. Paradoxically, I learned the most valuable design lessons from the math books rather than the design ones. In particular, George Polya’s book “How to Solve It” taught me how to approach finding superior design solutions in a disciplined way. I don’t mean to imply that there is a solution which is inherently superior to all others, but rather that the “superior” solution is the one that is most optimized for a specific environment.

An image of the mice population having more black mice over time because the white mice are more likely  to be eaten by the hawk.
“A superior solution” explained by Khan Academy

Let’s take an example which feels too familiar these days — a virus. Occasionally, a small mistake or mutation in its genetic material will give it a radical advantage to survive and compete with the host’s defense systems. Because the process of natural mutation is based purely on randomness, the scientists are often able to outrun the mutations by following the discipline of scientific discovery to develop vaccines.

An image of Henry Ford in-front of his car saying “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Famous “Faster horses” quote attributed to Henry Ford. Image source: Wikimedia commons

The same idea applies to business. If the business is only working on incrementally making “horses faster,” sooner or later the business will be outrun by the radical mutation of a “car.” Businesses need to innovate in a structured and disciplined way to survive, and to hedge themselves from the risk of becoming obsolete.

An image of Kano’s diagram where x-axis shows product features, and y-axis shows customer satisfaction. The top left quadrant of the diagram is the area containing the least expected product features which are bring the most satisfaction.
The four squares of the Kano model. Image credit: J. DeLayne Stroud ISIXSIGMA

This idea is captured in Noriaki Kano’s model, which dissects customer satisfaction into several categories, the top left of which is the “unknown needs”. Accordingly to Kano, having a portion of your product portfolio in this quadrant can potentially lead to the highest gross profit margin. The question is how to get there.

A group of surfers staying in the water in anticipation of  a wave to catch. The image of the Gartner’s Hype Cycle graph juxtaposed over it.
A group of surfers riding the wave. The image of the Gartner’s Hype Cycle graph juxtaposed over it.
Catching the market trend wave requires discipline and skill. Image source: Wikimedia commons with Gartner Hype Cycle

There are two parts to that — being able to foresee the change in the environment, and being able to take advantage of that change.

Businesses always have a temptation to blindly follow the lead of the industry analysts who are forecasting future markets. However, there are two problems with this. One is that all your competitors are doing exactly the same thing. If you only follow market trends, you will never get ahead of them. The second is that analysts’ research is top-down and aimed at informing buyers and promoting vendors. Our aim should instead be to discover the latent trends in user experience bottom-up. You can say analysts study the shape of the trend wave, while we study what causes the wave’s shape, which I believe, is ultimately people. The deeper and earlier the insights, the bigger the competitive advantage.

A portrait of Rene Descartes next to a  3-d bar graph showing number of clicks per test participant.
Rene Descartes, a framer of the Scientific Method. Image source: a collage by author using Wikimedia commons imagery

However, design researchers nowadays are largely unprepared to studying the deep and dark waters of people’s implicit desires and needs. Perhaps rooted into the classical rationalism of the Age of Enlightenment, contemporary schools prepare us to design single-variable experiments to study user behavior with the notion that there is an objective reality out there and our only job is to understand it. We can track product usage in different market segments and forecast which one will grow faster. We can run an A/B experiment and learn which version of the product is easier to use. We know the dimensions of the problem space, and we have a bias or hypothesis that we are trying to prove or falsify. We know what questions we want to get answered, and we know how to ask those questions.

But the world of design and design research is often trickier than that. Design researchers looking for innovation opportunities are often in a situation where both the product and the user is unknown, thus they can’t define the boundaries of the problem space to start with, or even develop a hypothesis to test.

A portrait of Martin Heidegger against a background of blurry light spots.
Martin Heidegger, a challenger of the Scientific Method. Image source: a collage by author using Wikimedia commons imagery

Moreover, by its nature, the design introduces previously unknown phenomena into the world causing the emergence of new behaviors and changing our understanding of the world itself.

‘‘The basic idea of sense-making is that reality is an ongoing accomplishment that emerges from efforts to create order and make retrospective sense of what occurs’’ wrote Karl Weick.

Forty years prior Heidegger wrote “Techne […] reveals whatever does not bring itself forth and does not yet lie here before us, whatever can look and turn out now one way and now another.”

Storefront window with the lenticular poster of the Einstein becoming Frankenstein based on the angle of view.
“Einstein or Frankenstein?” installation at Rio Del Mar theater in Santa Cruz, CA. Photo by author.

This is why we need design research methods that are more phenomenological in nature and help us with the emergence of potential patterns of significance while we attempt to make sense of “wicked” problem spaces.

There is a certain technique I came up with over the years that was helpful to me in “emerging” insights out of fog. I find that this technique is similar to Artificial Intelligence trying to make sense of an image.

An image showing round objects in containers with text “Google’s engineers used this process to verify that the AI were correctly learning the right features of the objects they were meant to learn. It’s hard to tell what this AI was looking for, cupcakes, flowers or oranges.”
AI caught in a process of making sense of a picture. Image source: Business Insider

I’ll demonstrate the technique using a case study.

Re-framing the prompt

A few years ago I joined a team looking into conversational interfaces. My project was to research use cases of conversational analytics, and there were a number of products on the market that would allow users to query data conversationally. Our original plan was to collect samples of user utterances to inform the design of a product just like these, which would have put us on par with the competition. However, we decided to reframe that into a study of how users have conversations with data to solve business problems. That gave us opportunities to look for superior product ideas and to gain a competitive edge.

Inductive coding

Over the course of the study, we interviewed a number of business analysts and citizen data scientists. We asked participants to pick a recent problem they faced and narrate their process of solving it to us.

Once the interviews were complete, I analyzed their responses verbatim using a technique called “open tagging” or “inductive coding”. This involved reading through the text and tagging each excerpt with a few words describing what that excerpt was about.

Image showing one page of solid black text and two pages of text with blue tags inserted.
The original and tagged interview transcripts.

After that was done, I would logically organize my tags at the top of the document.

Four documents containing lists of logically organized tags.
Tags from multiple interviews logically organized and reviewed side by side.

This analysis outlined the main themes, or semantic dimensions of each interview for me. The next step would be to compare the tags (dimensions) between the interviews. In the process of synthesizing these dimensions, the patterns emerged.

Three documents with lists of tags where each document represents a different logical structure.
Tags from multiple interviews merged together into a single logical structure. Each document represents a different structure.

Design thinking

It became very clear that both business analysts and citizen data scientists follow repeatable processes to solve problems with data. However, business analysts use a cruder process and display more flaws in their statistical reasoning than their citizen data scientist colleagues.

With that, we had a clear vision of where the product opportunity lies: we would “package” the data science expertise, in the shape of conversational guides so that everyone can have access to the same data analysis sophistication and precision.

And so you have it. To bring it back home to George Polya, mathematics, and problem solving, here is a quote from Alon Amit, a mathematician and “a product guy”:

“When you are looking for a solution, it is unpredictable. When you find it, it is unavoidable”

To summarize:

  • Businesses need to be making investments into their design innovation pipelines or they’ll be eaten up by their competitors.
  • Design researchers shall not be afraid of the wicked research problems.
  • There are modern approaches that allow modeling wicked problem spaces in a constructive way.

Credits: thank you Corey Keyser for your review and suggestions; thank you Ana Manrique for lending me the “Design for Dasein” book, reading it led me to discovering even more exciting things to read; and thank you ChatGPT for verifying my sources and editing my draft for me.

Julia Blyumen is a designer at IBM Data and AI based in Silicon Valley, California. The above article is personal and does not necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

