Balance or Not? The famous SE Asia Taxi App “Grab” logo

是平衡嗎?著名的東南亞的士APP LOGO

Yanki Chan
Traveling Designer 旅行都要職業病
3 min readJan 12, 2018


This is a bilingual article — English / Traditional Chinese

When I traveled in Thailand, my friend told me not to catch a taxi on road, she asked me to use a taxi app called — Grab.

Grab is a very famous app in SE Asia, it charges you a bit of services charge, but it will save you from being asked to get charged by taxi drivers unreasonably.

I was in Thailand standing on the street for half an hour: “By meter?”, “No”, got off the car and keep looping.

This app really helped me a lot.

But whenever I open this app I feel uncomfortable……ah? What’s that?

May be it is just an occupational habit.

Let me make it easy and show you some pictures.

去泰國旅行,朋友千叮萬囑不要在街邊截的士,一定要用一個的士APP — Grab。Grab是東南亞著名的士APP,雖然會收少少手續費,但你不會遇到因為你是遊客而被漫天叫價的問題。

曾經我在泰國街頭試過截的士截了半小時:"By meter?"、"No",下車⋯⋯無限循環。





The orginal “Grab” logo | Grab原本的Logo

There’s a term in design call “Align”, the picture below and the colour lines show R, A and B are aligned, G is a bit lower than from other letters.


Yes it need to be aligned, if G align with all the other letters it will look weird, but now B looks like flying up visually. Especially because b’s line is going up a lot, so it is visually not balance.

Then it’s about the letter spacing.



You can see the blue colour box are in the same width. They don’t need to be in the exact same width but G looks very separated than the others.


Then I quickly turned the logo.


May be you can’t really see the difference, but it looks more solid and balance.


What I did is to align b and G, shortern the b’s line on top and move RAB toward G a bit.

The spacing between G and r is 1.5x of the spacing between r and a. The original logo is about 2 times more.



I have no comments on the design which is obviously unprofessional, but if it’s mean to be professional but not than…

This is my first traveling design posts, I hope to let people know why design is so important to us by the little things beside us.




Thanks for reading, it would be super grateful to follow me on other medias…

